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S5UX JR. Riv«r ParipH and State of ^ouiaian* awx-tion of the sum of two thousand dollars, to ,e paid at f to him on hia lawful representatives, agents or aaaigif^t
Honore F# iDeblieux Junior of Hanoook Ootuity and State of:-issippi $1000	, one thousand dollars on the tenl£
June (1876) Eighteen Hundred and seventy Six, and hil^ promissory note for five hundred dollArs, with interest (j_ eight (3) per oent on the 3ame from lafcth day of Jun* &
eight hundred and aeventy aix tc be paid on tenth day of Tv, June (1877) eight hundred and seventy seven and hia Pr0$|i issory note for five hundred dollars with interojt frca(l8£ Eighteen hundred and seventy six at the rate of ei^it call
per oent per annum to be paid ontenth day of ^une 1878,
een hundred and aeven-y eight, have given- granted, bargt!#* aold and delivered, and by these presents do give, grant*
- ■/*'*
gain, and deliver unto the said Honore1 F. Delilieux, Junior^)-
k • J"'
hia heira and aaaigua, forever. The following pieoe or .^v-paroel of land To wit being the fraotional aeotion aixt«f3> (16) Township (9) Nine Range (14) fourteen to wit, oontaifl^v ing three hundred and eighteen 318 67/100 aores situated upon the aea shore in the Ojunty of Hanoook and jta-e of
■n4? ,
isaippi, being the late reaidenoe of Ooll Andrew JaoksOBj purohased by the said Sempronius Ruaa from Rodriok Seal
i d ^ ^ ^
the eighteenth day of May A.2. 1872, eighteen hundred ana	,
Seventy two said Rodriok Seale purohaaed lame at sale on the 7th day of Feby. a. S. 1870. Eighteen hundT^.^^p seventy Whioh Deed ia reoorded in Reoorder1 s book of W®.
*, pag«a 458, 459, 460,	I
v' *
So tho land, tenements, hereditaments thjreunto bel0P£^g appertaining. To have and to hold
•	* tt—i v. Deblieux to

Gulfside Methodist Assembly Russ---Deblieux-deed-(2)
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