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Mamoo i Arthe. Arthe Baldwin who married Uttman.
Alio*i Di*d wh?n	her daughter	wan born.
Mamoo:	And the	daughter	now	is a Mrs. Redpath still	living	in
New York City.
Alice: She MAY still be there.
Your mother was Alice and she had five children?
Mamoo: Yah.
Alice:	Five. One boy, four girls and they kept on getting girls
and girls and girls but they wanted another boy because they wanted	the	boy to be named for Grandpapa	Baldin.
Mamoo:	Who	was Albert.
Alice:	But	Baldwin, they wanted to have	an Albert	or something,
so they didn't	have one	and	so everybody was	teasing	Papa and
singing songs in	the bank	about "Oh Albertine,	Albertine." And	it
never did turn out.
But your parents had Nugent?
Mamoo:	Yah. Well yes, then he was killed	you see. He	grew up and
he got	married	and he married a girl from	Texas and they had	one
daughter who is Betsy. Betsy now||Epenstall.
So tell me about the house. You said when you were very little girls you used to go over on Saturdays.
Mamoo:	Every Saturday morning. Every Saturday morning. Mama and
all of us four little girls would go over to Grandpapa's house for his breakfast.
Would Nugent go also?
Mamoo: Well Nugent would come every now and then wouldn't he?
Alice:	I don't	remember Nugie having been	there once.
Mamoo:	I don't	really remember his coining	either, but	I know that
he was always dressed up like a commodore. He had a little suit and he was called commodorle.
Alic?:	But	commodorle	did	not	press	any	cowboy	suits.	He	had	a
dark blue suit ...

Baldwin Conversation-005
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