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Mamoo: He did.
Alice: With brass buttons and a cap with brass on it.
Mamoo: That's right.
Alice:	That	was	when he went over to the lodge with	Grandpapa
when he went on the Semper.
Mamoo: That's right.
So tell me what would happen on Saturday mornings. Tell me the whole schedule from the time you woke up and what would happen.
Mamoo:	Well we'd be all excited. It was Saturday morning. All of
us little girls. We had two bedrooms. Alice and I had one bedroom and Arthe and Martha had another bedroom and Nugie was all by himself you see, so we didn't pay much attention to what he was doing.	Mama	and	Papa were up in the front bedroom and	Arthe and
Martha.	So	we'd	all get excited because we were going	over to
grandpapa's for breakfast and we'd all get dressed up nicely and simply, but nicely.
Who would wake you up? Would your mother wake you up?
Alice:	Our nurse Marie woke us up, dressed us and made sure that
we washed our faces and hands and in cold weather we wore long drawers and we wore some underpants. Marie was a wonderful person.
Mamoo:	Marvelous.
Alice:	And she was the one who took care of us.
Mamoo:	Let me show you her picture. Where did I put that picture
Alice:	I don't think it's there.
Mamoo:	Here it is. There's Marie.	That was when she was ninty
years old and	we had a party for her at Arthe	and Willie's house
and she was a	wonderful LADY.	A real lady if	there	ever was	one.
And she was	with us from the	time we were little	children	you
see. She loved us. We were her	whole family.
Alice: But we loved her.
Mamoo:	We did.

Baldwin Conversation-006
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