Bayview Court

100-102 Bayview Court (OT-53) -- c. 1960 - Modern - Two-story, frame, apartment building with a hip roof, hip-partial porch on the right side, and a hip roof addition on the left side. It has a concrete slab foundation, brick and composite wood cladding, and an asphalt shingle roof.

103 Bayview Court (OT-54) -- c. 1950 - Ranch - One-story, frame, Ranch house with a low-pitched hip roof. The left bay advances forming a shallow, three-bay-wide wing; the main entrance is inset on the right side of the wing. An inset screened porch is located on the right side. Windows are single and paired double-hung-sash windows. The house has continuous concrete foundation, is clad with clapboards, and has an asphalt shingle roof.

104 Bayview Court (OT-55) -- 1905-1917 - Bungalow/Gable-Front - One-story, frame, vernacular gable-front Bungalow with an enclosed full-width hip roof porch, shed roof addition on the right side, and an attached carport. It has a brick pier foundation, clapboard siding, 1/1 aluminum doublehung windows, single light aluminum casement windows, and an asphalt shingle roof. The house has been altered with enclosures and additions; therefore it no longer possesses the integrity to be a contributing building in the district.

106 Bayview Court (OT-56) -- c. 1935-1945 - Tudor Revival - One-story, frame, Tudor Revival residence with a side-gable roof and a steeply-pitched center wall gable which accentuates the round-arched main entrance. Windows are paired 6/6 wood double-hung-sash windows. An inset porch is located on the left front comer. The house rests on a concrete foundation, is clad with clapboards, and has a pressed metal roof. Alterations include an attached carport and a rear gable roof addition with aluminum 1/1 double-hung windows.

109 Bayview Court (OT-57) -- c. 1945-1955 - Ranch - One-story, frame, five-bay-wide (w-d-w-w-w) Ranch house with a multiple hip roof, recessed entry, and large picture window with sidelights (third bay). It has a concrete slab foundation, composite wood siding, wooden 1/1 double-hung windows, and an asphalt shingle roof.

110 Bayview Court (OT-58) -- c. 1935-1945 - Craftsman Vern. Bungalow - One-story, frame Craftsman Vernacular bungalow with an intersecting gable roof, inset partial porch, and new turned posts. Craftsman features include exposed rafters, decorative beams, and brackets. It has a concrete block pier foundation, clapboard siding, wooden 6/6 and aluminum 1/1 double-hung windows, and an asphalt shingle roof.

111 Bayview Court (OT-59) -- c. 1940-1950 - Cape Cod/Colonial Revival - 1.5-story, frame, Colonial Revival style, Cape Cod house. The house is three-bays-wide (w-d-w) with a one-bay wing on the right side. The center door entry is bracketed and is flanked by paired 6/6 wood double-hung-sash windows. The right wing has a single 6/6 wood double-hung-sash window on the main façade. Gabled dormers are located over the first and third bays. The house sets on a concrete block pier foundation, is clad with wood novelty siding, and has exposed rafters and an asphalt shingle roof.

113 Bayview Court (OT-60) -- c. 1955-1960 - International - Two-story, reinforced concrete, International style duplex with a low-pitched hip roof, two hip roof porches located on the left and right sides, and hoods over the windows and entries. It has a concrete slab foundation, concrete cladding, and an asphalt shingle roof.

114 Bayview Court (OT-61) -- c. 1935-1950 - Minimal Traditional - One-story, frame, three-bay-wide (w-d-w) Minimal Traditional dwelling with a multi-gable roof. The right bay advances forming a shallow gable-front wing; the entrance (second bay) is located on an inset entry porch on the left side of the wing. Windows are single and paired 6/6 and 8/8 wood double-hung-sash windows with louvered shutters. The house has a concrete pier foundation, wood novelty siding, exposed rafters, and a pressed metal roof. A small shed-roof addition extends from the right side.

116 Bayview Court (OT-62) -- c. 1920-1930 - Bungalow/Gable-Front - One-story, frame, vernacular gable-front Bungalow with an inset full-width porch, exposed rafters, rear (hip) and left (shed) side additions, and new brackets. The house has a concrete block pier foundation, clapboard cladding, wooden 6/6 double-hung windows, and a pressed metal roof. The new shed roof addition on the left side increased the square footage by approximately one-half, and features exposed rafters and a French door.

117 Bayview Court (OT-63) -- c. 1920-1930 - Craftsman Vern. Bungalow - One-story, frame, three-bay-wide (w-d-w), gable-front Craftsman Vernacular Bungalow with an inset full-width porch supported by paired wood columns set on square brick pedestals and square-cut balustrade. The center entrance door has a transom, and it is flanked by paired 6/6 wood double-hung-sash windows. A four-light window is located in the front-gable end. The house has a brick pier foundation, wood clapboard siding, exposed rafters, decorative beams, and a pressed metal roof.

118 Bayview Court (OT-64) -- 1930-1944 - Minimal Traditional - One-story, frame Minimal Traditional residence with a multiple gable roof. The left bay advances forming a shallow gable-front wing; a partial-width, shed-roof porch is located in the right front re-entrant angle. Windows are single and paired vinyl double-hung-sash with faux muntins to replicate 6/6 windows and have faux shutters. The house has a concrete slab foundation, vinyl siding, and an asphalt shingle roof. There are multiple gable additions on the right side and to the rear.

120 Bayview Court (OT-65) -- 1945-1955 - Minimal Traditional - One-story, frame, four-bay-wide (w-wdw-w) Minimal Traditional residence with a side-gable roof. A partial-width gable porch supported by decorative ironwork extends across the center bay. The center bay consists of a single door flanked by 6/6 double-hung-sash windows. The left bay is a set of four, 6/6 double-hung-sash windows. The right bay is a three-sided bay window. The house rests on concrete block piers, is clad with asbestos shingle siding, and has an asphalt shingle roof.

145 Bayview Court (OT-66) -- c. 1945-1955 - Minimal Traditional - One-story, frame Minimal Traditional dwelling with a multi-gable roof, an enclosed, partial-width gable porch, and a shed-roof rear addition. It has a continuous concrete foundation, asbestos shingle siding, wooden 6/6 double-hung windows, and an asphalt shingle roof.

147 Bayview Court (OT-67) -- c. 1980-1990 - Neo-Eclectic - 1.5-story, frame, three-bay-wide (w-d-w) Neo-Eclectic dwelling with a side-gable roof, and an inset full-width porch supported by square wood columns. The center entrance has sidelights. Windows are single and paired aluminum 6/6 double-hung-sash windows with faux muntins. A wide gable dormer with triple-windows with louvered shutters is located at center on the main façade. The house has a concrete slab foundation, plywood paneling siding, and an asphalt shingle roof.

149 Bayview Court (OT-68) -- c. 1930-1940 - Vernacular Bungalow/Gable-Front - One-story, frame, three-bay-wide (w-d-w), gable-front vernacular Bungalow with a full-width inset front porch supported by tapered columns. The door is located offset left. Windows are 2/2 aluminum double-hung-sash with louvered shutters. The house has a concrete block pier foundation, vinyl siding, decorative beams, and a pressed metal roof.