Citizen Street

201 Citizen Street (OT-226) -- 1924-1930 - Craftsman Bungalow - Two-story, two-bay-wide (d-w) hip roof Craftsman Bungalow with a projecting gable partial front porch supported by tapered paired wooden columns on brick pedestals. Alterations include cutaway bays, a gable dormer, and a rear hip roof addition. Although the structure appears to have been raised, the 1930 Sanborn Fire Insurance map reveals it was constructed with two stories. It has a concrete slab foundation and vinyl siding. Windows include single-pane vinyl replacement windows on the first floor, and 6/1 double-hung windows on the second floor.

303 Citizen Street (OT-227) -- 1978 - Minimal Traditional - One-story, L-shaped, wood frame Minimal Traditional dwelling supported by a concrete slab foundation, clad in vinyl siding, and sheltered by an intersecting gable roof sheathed with asphalt shingles.

305 Citizen Street (OT-228) -- 1910-1924 - Craftsman Bungalow - One-story, wood frame, gable-front Craftsman Bungalow with a wraparound porch supported by single and paired tapered columns on rusticated concrete block pedestals and exposed rafter tails. The building sits on a foundation of brick piers, is clad in asbestos shingles, and sheltered by a gable roof sheathed with corrugated metal panels.

306 Citizen Street (OT-229) -- 1924-1930 - Craftsman Bungalow/Gable-Front - One-story, rectangular plan, wood frame, three-bay-wide (w-d-w), gable-front Craftsman Bungalow with a partial gable porch supported by paired tapered wood columns set on battered brick pedestals. Other character defining features include decorative beams and exposed rafters. The building is clad in vinyl siding; the roof is sheathed with asphalt shingles.

309 Citizen Street (OT-230) -- 1930 - Vernacular Bungalow/Gable-Front - One-story, rectangular plan, wood frame, two-bay-wide (d-w), vernacular gable-front Bungalow with a gable partial front porch and exposed rafters. The dwelling is supported by a concrete block pier foundation, clad in novelty siding, and the roof is sheathed with corrugated metal panels.

311 Citizen Street (OT-231) -- 1924-1930 - Vernacular/L-pIan - One-story, L-plan, wood frame, vernacular dwelling supported by a foundation of concrete piers, clad in vinyl siding, and sheltered by a multi-gable roof sheathed with corrugated metal panels. Character defining features include an inset partial porch in the right front reentrant angle, which is sheltered by a combination of the front gable and the extension of the side-gable roof.

315 Citizen Street (OT-232) -- 1985 - Ranch - One-story, brick veneer Ranch house supported by a concrete slab foundation and sheltered by a side-gable roof sheathed with asphalt shingles.

316 Citizen Street (OT-233) -- 1910 - Vernacular - One-story, wood frame vernacular dwelling with a gable-on-hip roof that shelters an inset front porch. The porch was a full wraparound porch when constructed, but the appending of a shed-roofed side addition some time after 1944 engulfed most of the side porch. The house is supported by a foundation of brick piers, is clad in novelty siding and the roof is sheathed with pressed metal panels.

318 Citizen Street (OT-234) -- c. 1920-1940 - Vernacular Bungalow/Gable-Front - One-story, rectangular plan, wood frame, three-bay-wide (w-d-w), vernacular gable-front Bungalow with a full-width inset porch, six-light window in the front gable end, center door with transom, and boxed eaves covering previously exposed rafter tails. Windows are 6/6 double-hung-sash. The house sits on concrete block piers; the roof is sheathed with corrugated metal panels.

321 Citizen Street (OT-235) -- 1924-1930 - Craftsman Vern. Bungalow - One-story, rectangular plan, wood frame Craftsman Vernacular Bungalow featuring a gable-on-hip roof with an inset partial front porch, 6/6 and 2/2 double-hung wood sash windows, clapboard siding, and exposed rafters.

325 Citizen Street (OT-236) -- 1930 - Craftsman Vern. Bungalow - One-story, rectangular plan, wood frame, two-bay-wide (d-w) Bungalow with a gable-on-hip roof, inset partial front porch (right bay), 6/6 double-hung wood sash windows, clapboard siding, and exposed rafters. The roof is sheathed with pressed metal panels.

326 Citizen Street (OT-237) -- 1946 - Craftsman - Two-story, wood frame, Craftsman dwelling supported by a brick pier foundation, clad with stucco, and sheltered by a hipped roof over the two-story core and gable roofs over one-story sections. The roof is asphalt shingle. Character defining features include multiple porches, 3/1 double-hung wood sash windows, and exposed rafter tails.

331 Citizen Street (OT-238) -- 1924-1930 - Vernacular/T-Plan - One-story, T-plan, wood frame, vernacular dwelling supported by a foundation of concrete block piers, clad in vinyl, and sheltered by a cross-gable roof sheathed with pressed metal panels. Character defining features include a shed-roofed partial porch and exposed rafter tails.

401 Citizen Street (OT-239) -- 1913 - Vernacular - One-story, rectangular plan, wood frame vernacular dwelling supported by a foundation of rusticated concrete block piers, clad in vinyl siding, and sheltered by a hipped roof sheathed with asphalt shingles. A porch wraps around three sides of the structure. This building was completely remodeled in 1993; its original form is no longer apparent, classifying it as a non-contributing building.

402 Citizen Street (OT-240) -- 1981 - Ranch - One-story, L-plan, brick veneered Ranch house supported by a concrete slab and sheltered by an intersecting gable roof sheathed with asphalt shingles.

403 Citizen Street (OT-241) -- 1969 - Ranch - One-story, rectangular plan, three-bay-wide (w-d-w), frame Ranch house supported by a concrete slab foundation, clad in brick veneer, and sheltered by a hipped roof sheathed with asphalt shingles. The house features a recessed entry located under a center gable.

404 Citizen Street (OT-242) -- 1983 - Ranch - One-story, rectangular plan, wood frame Ranch house resting on a concrete slab foundation, clad with brick veneer, and sheltered by an asphalt shingle hipped roof.

405 Citizen Street (OT-243) -- 1999 - Neo-Eclectic - One-story, rectangular plan, frame, six-bay-wide (w-w-d-d-w-w) Neo-Eclectic duplex that rests on a concrete slab foundation, and is clad with vinyl siding. The building has a steeply pitched, side-gable roof that shelters a full-width inset front porch.

407 Citizen Street (OT-244) -- 2000 - Neo-Eclectic - 1.5-story, rectangular, frame, six-bay-wide (w-w-d-d-w-w) Neo-Eclectic duplex that rests on a concrete slab foundation, is clad with vinyl siding, and is sheltered by a steep, side-gable roof that covers a full-width inset front porch.

412 Citizen Street (OT-245) -- 1982 - Ranch - One-story, frame, brick-veneered Ranch house that rests on a concrete slab and is sheltered by a side-gable asphalt shingle roof. The main façade has a projecting front gable with a centrally located exterior chimney. A two-car garage is set back on the right side.

416 Citizen Street (OT-246) -- c. 1875 - Greek Revival/Center Hall - One-story, rectangular plan, wood frame, raised Greek Revival Center Hall dwelling. It is supported by an elevated foundation of concrete piers, has clapboard siding, and a hip roof. The house is five-bays-wide and has a center double-door entrance with a four-light transom. A large, pedimented porch extends across the three center bays; it is supported by tapered columns on square pedestals (a later Craftsman alteration), and has a paneled frieze.

417 Citizen Street (OT-247) -- 1905 - Vernacular - One-story, rectangular plan, wood frame, side-gable vernacular dwelling featuring a partial shed-roofed front porch with lattice columns, decorative beams, and exposed rafters. The house is supported by decorative concrete brick piers, is clad in vinyl siding, and has an asphalt shingle roof.

418 Citizen Street (OT-248) -- 1960 - Minimal Traditional - One-story, L-plan, wood frame Minimal Traditional house supported by a continuous concrete foundation, clad with novelty siding, and sheltered by a hip and gable asphalt shingle roof. Windows are paired 2/2 sash. The right two window bays advance to form a shallow gabled wing. A carport is inset left.

500 Citizen Street (OT-249) -- 1920-1930 - Vernacular Bungalow/Gable-Front - One-story, rectangular plan, wood frame, three-bay-wide (w-d-w) vernacular front-gable Bungalow supported by a brick pier foundation, clad in vinyl siding, and sheltered by a roof sheathed with corrugated metal panels. Character defining features include a gable partial front porch on the right two bays and wide boxed eaves.

501 Citizen Street (OT-250) -- 1968 - Ranch - One-story, rectangular, wood frame Ranch house supported by a concrete slab foundation, clad in brick veneer, and sheltered by an asphalt shingle hipped-roof with wide eaves. A double carport is located inset right.

503 Citizen Street (OT-251) -- 1970-1990 - Neo-Eclectic - One-story, wood frame Neo-eclectic dwelling supported by a concrete slab foundation, clad with vinyl siding, and sheltered by a gable roof sheathed with asphalt shingles.

508 Citizen Street (OT-252) -- c. 1890 - Shotgun/L-galleried - One-story, wood frame, vernacular L-galleried Shotgun with a gable-on-hip roof sheathed in corrugated metal panels. The house features a cutaway bay as well as an inset wraparound porch supported by wood columns, which extends across the front and wraps around the left side. The entrance door has a segmentally-arched upper light and is capped with a rectangular transom. The dwelling is supported by a foundation of brick piers and clad in clapboard siding.

516 Citizen Street (OT-253) -- c. 1990 - Neo-Colonial Revival - 1.5-story, rectangular plan, frame, three-bay-wide (w-d-w) Neo-Colonial dwelling that rests on a continuous brick foundation, is clad in vinyl siding, and sheltered by a broken-slope side-gable roof sheathed with asphalt shingles. The center bay entrance is a door with sidelights; the first and third bays are paired 4/4 double-hung-sash windows with faux muntins. Two gable dormers are on the main façade. A full-width inset porch extends across the main façade.

520 Citizen Street (OT-254) -- c. 1944-1946 - Vernacular Bungalow/Gable-Front - One-story, rectangular plan, wood frame, four-bay-wide (w-w-d-w) vernacular front-gable Bungalow supported by a foundation of brick piers, clad with clapboard siding, and sheltered by a roof sheathed with pressed metal panels. Character defining features include an inset partial front porch on the right two bays, a decorative front door with transom, and fish scale shingles and a stained glass window in the gable end. Windows are single and paired windows with faux muntins.

521 Citizen Street (OT-255) -- c. 1925 - Vernacular Bungalow/Gable-Front - One-story, rectangular plan, wood frame, vernacular gable-front Bungalow that is supported by concrete piers, is clad in novelty siding, and sheltered by a roof sheathed with corrugated metal panels. Character defining features include boxed eaves and a partially-inset gabled front porch that covers the right bay.

523 Citizen Street (OT-256) -- 1952 - Ranch - One-story, rectangular, wood frame, four-bay-wide (w-w-d-w) Ranch house supported by a continuous brick foundation, clad in brick veneer, and sheltered by a hipped roof sheathed with asphalt shingles. Character defining features include wide eaves, 2/2 double-hung wood sash windows with brick header sills, and a fixed wooden-sash picture window flanked by 1/1 double-hung wood sash sidelights (third bay).

525 Citizen Street (OT-257) -- c. 1890-1900 - Shotgun/L-galleried - One-story, wood frame, vernacular L-galleried Shotgun supported by a foundation of brick piers, clad in clapboards, and sheltered by a hip roof sheathed with pressed metal panels. Character defining features include an inset wraparound porch, scroll-sawn balusters, decorative brackets, and 6/6 double-hung wood sash windows.

526 Citizen Street (OT-258) -- 1860-1880 - Vernacular - One-story, wood frame building supported by a foundation composed of concrete block piers with brick infill between the piers. It is clad with clapboard siding, and is sheltered by two roofs: a gable roof over one section of the structure, and a hipped roof over another section. Both roofs are sheathed in asphalt shingles. Character defining features include an enclosed porch, 6/6 double-hung-sash wood windows and louvered wooden shutters. The house appears to have been built in stages, and is one the city's oldest buildings.