Union Street

112 Union Street (OT-864) -- 2007 - Post-Katrina Coastal Arch. - St. Stanislaus Instrumental & Vocal Music Building One-story building with a gable-front roof and a partial-width shed porch. The building is clad in brick, and the roof is clad in asphalt shingles. The building has distinctive brickwork and rests on a concrete slab foundation.

118 Union Street (OT-865) -- 1965 - Post Modern -
St. Stanislaus Aurelian Hall- Two-story, Post Modem building with a flat roof, brick cladding, and a concrete slab foundation.

201 Union Street (OT-866) -- c. 1930-1940 - Bungalow/Gable-Front - One-story, vernacular gable-front Bungalow with an inset partial porch. The original clapboard cladding and 6/6 double-hung wood windows remain. The exposed rafters have been partially covered by fascia. There is one original tapered wood column on the porch. The roof is clad in asphalt shingles.

202 Union Street (OT-867) -- 1917-1924 - Bungalow/Gable-Front Double Shotgun - One-story, four-bay-wide (w-d-d-w) vernacular gable-front Bungalow/Double Shotgun with an inset full-width porch supported by square wood columns. The second and third bays are doors; the first and fourth bays are 2/2 wood double-hung windows with shutters. Other windows are a combination of 6/6 and 2/2 wood double-hung-sash. A 16-light, horizontal, rectangular window is located in the front gable end. The building is clad in brick (a later addition) and wood siding. The building rests on concrete block foundation piers, and has an asphalt shingle roof.

203 Union Street (OT-868) -- c. 1920 - Vernacular Bungalow - One-story, three-bay-wide (w-d-w) side-gable, vernacular Bungalow. A partial-width inset porch covers the left two bays; the first bay is a double-sash window and the second bay is a four-light door. The right bay is a paired 6/6 double-hung-sash window. The house has Hardy Plank cladding and concrete block piers. A side-gable wing extends from the left rear.

204 Union Street (OT-869) -- 1917-1924 - Vernacular Shotgun - One-story, frame, two-bay-wide (w-d), gable-front Shotgun house with a full-width inset front porch supported by replacement turned posts. The main entrance is French doors located on the right bay. A louvered vent is in the front-gable end. The building rests on brick foundation piers, is clad in Hardy Plank, and has an asphalt shingle roof.

206 Union Street (OT-870) -- c. 1860-1870 - Greek Revival/Center Hall - One-story, frame, five-bay-wide (w-d-d-d-w), Greek Revival Center Hall house with a full-width inset porch supported by square wood columns. The center entrance has sidelights and transom capped by shouldered trim. Second and fourth bays are single doors. First and fifth bays on the main façade and side bays are 6/6 wood double-hung-sash windows. The house rests on brick piers, and the roof is sheathed in asphalt shingles.

207 Union Street (OT-871) -- c. 1860-1870 - Greek Revival/Center Hall - Two-story, frame, five-bay-wide (w-w-d-w-w), hip roofed, Greek Revival Center Hall house with a two-story gallery with square wood columns and an ironwork balustrade (second-story). The center entrance bay (third bay) on the main façade has sidelights and four-light transom. The upper story bays are French doors. Window bays on the first-story are floor-length 9/9 wood double-hung-sash windows. A two-story wing is set back on the right elevation. The building rests on concrete block piers, is clad with clapboard siding, and has a rear addition with exposed rafters.

208 Union Street (OT-872) -- c. 1925-1930 - Craftsman Vernacular - 1.5-story, frame, four-bay-wide (w-d-d-w) side-gable Craftsman Vernacular Bungalow with Craftsman-style eight-light doors on the second and third bays and Craftsman windows on the first and fourth bays. An inset porch with tapered columns resting on square rusticated concrete block pedestals extends across the main façade and wraps around the right side. A large shed-roofed dormer is at center on the main façade. Other details include exposed rafters and brackets in the side gables.

210 Union Street (OT-873) -- 1890-1900 - Queen Anne Vern/Center Hall - One-story, frame, Queen Anne Vernacular Center Hall house that has a center entrance with sidelights and transom. A shed-roofed porch extends across the main façade. A diagonally-placed polygonal bay with overhanging eaves is on the left front comer. Windows are 6/6 and 1/1 wood double-hung windows. The building is clad in vinyl siding, and has a side-gable, asphalt shingle roof.

212 Union Street (OT-874) -- 1904-1909 - Shotgun/Colonial Revival Inf. - One-story, frame, three-bay-wide Shotgun house with a gable-on-hip roof and an inset full-width porch; the porch is supported by round columns. A large side-gable addition extends from the left side. A shed-roofed carport fills the left front reentrant angle created by the wing and is supported by columns which match those on the porch. The entrance is located on the gable-on-hip façade and is a single door with transom. Windows are 6/6 wood double-hung and 1/1 aluminum double-hung windows. The building is clad in vinyl, and has a pressed metal roof.

213 Union Street (OT-875) -- c. 1875-1890 - Creole Cottage with Craftsman Alterations - One-story, frame, Creole Cottage with a side-gable roof and a full-width inset screened porch supported by tapered wood columns on square, rusticated concrete block, pedestals. The porch supports are a later Craftsman alteration, added c. 1910 to 1930 (per Sanborn maps). The windows have been replaced. The house is clad in vinyl, and has a pressed metal roof.

214 Union Street (OT-876) -- c. 1875-1890 - Vernacular Creole Cottage - One-story, frame, four-bay-wide (d-d-d-d) Creole Cottage with a side-gable roof and a full-width inset porch supported by square wood columns. The bays on the main façade are French doors. There are multiple rear additions and the roofline appears to have been slightly raised in order to accommodate the additions. The house rests on concrete block piers, is clad in asbestos siding, and has a pressed metal roof.

217 Union Street (OT-877) -- c. 1900 - Colonial Revival/Center Hall - 1.5-story, frame, three-bay-wide (w-d-w), Colonial Revival Center Hall house with a gable-on-hip roof and a full-width inset porch supported by round wood columns. The center entry has sidelights and transom. Windows are 6/6 double-hung-sash with louvered shutters. A Palladian window is in the gable end. The building is clad in wood clapboard and brick, and has an addition on the left side (west elevation) and one on the rear elevation. Both additions have shed roofs. The original iron fencing remains.

303 Union Street (OT-878) -- 1922 - Craftsman Vernacular -
100 Men Hall- One-story, frame, three-bay-wide (w-d-w) Craftsman Vernacular meeting hall with a gable-on-hip roof; the roof extends at center forming a shed entry porch. The center entrance has double-paneled doors with transom. Windows are 12-light wood casement windows. The building rests on a brick pier foundation, is clad in clapboard, and has exposed rafters.

305 Union Street (OT-879) -- 1907-1917 - Vernacular Bungalow/Gable-Front - One-story, frame, three-bay-wide (w-d-w) vernacular gable-front Bungalow with a full-width hip porch that extends across the three bays. The single door entry is located offset right. Most windows are 1/1 vinyl doublehung windows with faux muntins to replicate 6/6 windows. The building has exposed rafters. The building is clad in composite wood, vinyl siding, and aluminum siding. There are three shed-roofed additions; two on the rear and one on the right side of the house. The roof is clad in asphalt shingles.

307 Union Street (OT-880) -- 1930-1944 - Vernacular - One-story, frame, vernacular gable-front house with an enclosed inset front porch. The building rests on concrete block piers, is clad in Hardy Plank, and has exposed rafters and an asphalt shingle roof.

308 Union Street (OT-881) -- 1945-1955 - Vernacular Bungalow/Gable-Front - One-story, frame, two-bay-wide (w-d), vernacular gable-front Bungalow with a gabled entry porch on the right bay. The left bay is a paired 1/1 vinyl double-hung window with faux muntins to replicate 6/6 double-hung windows. The building sets on concrete block piers, is clad in stucco, and has a corrugated metal roof.

309 Union Street (OT-882) -- 1915-1925 - Vernacular Shotgun - One-story, frame, gable-front Shotgun house with a full-width, inset, screened porch; the original wraparound porch was partially enclosed after 1944 (per Sanborn maps). The building has a concrete block pier foundation, wood clapboard and novelty siding, exposed rafters, and a corrugated metal roof. A small shed-roofed addition is on the rear.

310 Union Street (OT-883) -- c. 1945-1955 - Vernacular Bungalow/Gable-Front - One-story, frame, gable-front Bungalow. The building is clad in stucco and composite wood, and the roof is clad in corrugated metal. The gabled porch, which is located on the right bay, has been enclosed.

311 Union Street (OT-884) -- c. 1990-2000 - No Style - One-story, brick and vinyl clad house with an inset partial porch and multiple hip roof. The building rests on a concrete slab foundation, has 1/1 vinyl double-hung windows with faux muntins, and an attached garage.

312 Union Street (OT-885) -- 1930-1944 - Altered - One-story, frame Shotgun which has had multiple one and two-story additions completely concealing its original character. The building lacks the integrity necessary to be a contributing building in the historic district.