St John Street

307 St John Street (OT-595) -- c. 2000 - Vernacular - One-story, frame, four-bay-wide (w-w-d-w), vernacular house that has a side-gable, broken-slope roof and a full-width, inset front porch with replacement squared wood supports and a wood balustrade. The dwelling is clad in wood drop siding on the façade and board-and-batten wood siding on the side elevations. The building rests on a concrete block pier foundation. Windows are replacement 1/1 vinyl double-hung windows with faux muntins to replicate 6/6 double-hung windows; the house has working shutters. The roof is clad in corrugated metal.

308 St John Street (OT-596) -- c. 1895-1905 - Creole Cottage - One-story, frame, four-bay-wide (w-d-d-w), vernacular Creole Cottage that has a side-gable roof and a full-width inset front porch with replacement wood posts and balustrade. Most windows are the original 6/6 wood double-hung-sash windows. An awning has been added on the front and sides of the porch. The house is clad in clapboard, and the roof is sheathed in pressed metal. The building rests on brick foundation piers.

310 St John Street (OT-597) -- c. 2007 - Post-Katrina Coastal Arch. - One-story, five-bay-wide (w-w-d-w-w), post-Katrina house with a gable-on-hip metal roof and inset, full-width porch with square wood supports. The building rests on a concrete slab foundation, and has vinyl siding. Decorative shingles fill the front-gable.

312 St John Street (OT-598) -- 1924-1930 - Craftsman Bungalow/Gable-Front - One-story, frame, two-bay-wide (w-d), gable-front Craftsman Bungalow with a partial-width, gable-front porch on the right entrance bay. The porch is supported by triple wood columns on battered pedestals. Other Craftsman features include brackets, decorative beams, 3/2 double-hung wood windows, and the original front Craftsman door and sidelights. The original exposed rafters have been boxed. The house is clad in clapboard, and the roof is clad in asphalt shingles.

313 St John Street (OT-599) -- 2001 - Neo-Bungalow - One-story, frame, five-bay-wide (w-w-d-w-w), Neo-Bungalow with a gable-on-hip roof and a full-width, inset front porch supported by square wood columns. Wings extend from each side/rear of the building; they have exposed rafters. Windows are 1/1 vinyl double-hung windows with faux muntins to replicate 4/4 windows. The building is clad in composite wood, and the roof is clad in corrugated metal.

314 St John Street (OT-600) -- 1924-1930 - Vernacular Bungalow/Gable-Front - One-story, frame, two-bay-wide, vernacular, gable-front Bungalow with an enclosed partial-width gable porch on the right bay. The original porch was enclosed after 1944 (per the Sanborn Fire Insurance map for that year). The building is clad in asbestos siding, and the roof is clad in pressed metal. Windows are replacement single and paired 1/1 vinyl double-hung-sash with faux muntins to replicate 6/6 windows. The foundation is obscured, and the original exposed rafters have been enclosed.

314.5 St John Street (OT-601) -- 1917-1924 - Vernacular Bungalow/Side-Gable - One-story, four-bay-wide (w-d-d-w), side-gable Bungalow with a gabled porch on the second and third entrance bays. The porch is supported by square wood columns, and a two-light, rectangular window is in the gable end. Windows are the original 6/6 and 3/3 wood double-hung-sash windows. There is a small rear addition. The house sits on piers and has clapboard siding.

316 St John Street (OT-602) -- c. 1880-1890 - Vernacular Creole Cottage - One-story, frame, four-bay-wide (w-d-d-w) vernacular Creole Cottage with a side-gable roof. A full-width, inset porch supported by square wood columns extends across the four bays on the main façade. Single doors are located on the second and third bays. Windows are 6/6 wood double-hung-sash windows and 1/1 vinyl doublehung windows with faux muntins to replicate 6/6 windows. A side-gable, one-bay addition with diagonal comers and overhanging eaves was added on the right side between 1909 and 1917, and a rear addition was added after 1944 (per Sanbom Fire Insurance maps). The house rests on brick piers, is clad in clapboard, and has a corrugated metal roof.

319 St John Street (OT-603) -- c. 2006-2008 - Neo-Bungalow - One-story, frame, post-Katrina Neo-Bungalow with a gable-on-hip roof and a partial-width inset porch on the right bays. Other features include exposed rafters, decorative shingles in the gable end, brackets, and working louvered shutters. The house has a concrete slab foundation, is clad in composite wood, and has a pressed metal roof.

324 St John Street (OT-604) -- c. 1980-1990 - Ranch - One-story, brick veneer, side-gable Ranch house with a partial-width inset front porch on the center bays and an inset garage on the left side. The door is located at center on the main façade. The windows are 1/1 aluminum double-hung-sash with faux muntins to replicate 6/6 windows.

326 St John Street (OT-605) -- 2006-2008 - Katrina Cottage - One-story, hip roof, frame Katrina Cottage with a full-width inset porch. The building rests on concrete block piers, is clad in Hardy plank, and has a pressed metal roof.

328 St John Street (OT-606) -- c. 1920-1925 - Shotgun with a Lateral Wing - One-story, frame, vernacular, front-gable, Shotgun with a Lateral Wing. A screened gabled porch has been added to the primary gable elevation. Windows are 1/1 vinyl double-hung windows with faux muntins to replicate 6/6 double-hung windows. The house is clad in vinyl siding, but some of the original wood novelty siding is still visible. The roof is clad in corrugated metal.

329 St John Street (OT-607) -- 1945-1955 - Minimal Traditional - One-story, frame Minimal Traditional dwelling with a gable-roof. The left bay advances to form a shallow front-gable wing. The house has a picture window with a large fixed light flanked by sidelights. Other windows are 2/2 wood double-hung-sash. The building rests on concrete block piers, is clad in wood novelty siding, and has a pressed metal roof.

333 St John Street (OT-608) -- 1947 - Craftsman Vern. Bungalow - One-story, frame, four-bay-wide (w-w-d-w), side-gable Craftsman Vernacular Bungalow. The door with new shed entry porch is located on the third bay. The house has retained the original paired 3/1 double-hung wood sash windows; the windows on the first bay are shorter than the standard windows. A brick chimney is located outside left. The building rests on concrete block piers, is clad in wood novelty siding, and has a pressed metal roof. An addition and carport are attached to the left side. A second house, possibly a mother-in-law cottage, is located on the rear of the lot.

336 St John Street (OT-609) -- 1924-1930 - Vernacular/Gable-Front - One-story, frame, front-gable vernacular house with a full-width inset porch that extends across the primary gable-front façade and wraps around the left side. The building is clad in vinyl siding, but some of the clapboard is visible. The house rests on brick and concrete block piers. Windows are 1/1 and 2/2 aluminum double-hung windows and 1/1 vinyl windows. Most of the exposed rafters have been enclosed. The building has extensive additions on both sides that occurred after 1944 (they do not appear on the 1944 Sanbom Fire Insurance map).

340 St John Street (OT-610) -- 1915-1924 - Craftsman Vern. Bungalow - One-story, frame, gable-front Craftsman Vernacular Bungalow. The building has a partial-width inset porch located on the left bay. It is supported by a square wood column that rests on a rusticated concrete block pedestal. The windows are paired 1/1 vinyl double-hung-sash with faux muntins to replicate 6/6 windows. The house rests on rusticated concrete block piers, is clad in Hardy Plank, and has a pressed metal roof.

342 St John Street (OT-611) -- c. 1900-1915 - Craftsman Vernacular Double Shotgun - One-story, frame, four-bay-wide (w-d-d-w), gable-front Craftsman Vernacular Double Shotgun house with a full-width inset front porch supported by replacement decorative iron posts resting on rusticated concrete block pedestals. Single-door entrances are located on the second and third bays; the doors are flanked by paired 4/4 wood double-hung-sash windows. The house has a brick pier foundation, wood novelty siding, exposed rafters, and a metal corrugated roof.

343 St John Street (OT-612) -- c. 2006-2008 - Neo-Bungalow - One-story, frame, three-bay-wide (w-d-w), side-gable post-Katrina Neo-Bungalow with a full-width, inset front porch supported by square wood columns. The door is located offset left. It is flanked by 9/6 double-hung-sash windows with faux muntins and shutters. The house rests on a concrete slab foundation, is clad with composite wood siding, and has an asphalt shingle roof.

404 St John Street (OT-613) -- 1910-1917 - Craftsman Vern. Shotgun - One-story, frame, Craftsman Vernacular Shotgun with a front-gable roof and full-width, inset front porch supported by tapered columns on rusticated concrete block pedestals. Windows are replacement 1/1 vinyl double-hung-sash. The house rests on rusticated concrete block piers, is clad in clapboard, and has a pressed metal roof. The shed-roof addition was added to the left side between 1924 and 1930 (per the Sanbom Fire Insurance maps for those years.)

406 St John Street (OT-614) -- 1910-1917 - Vernacular Bungalow/Gable-Front - One-story, frame, three-bay-wide (w-d-w), vernacular gable-front Bungalow with a partial-width inset porch (originally a full-width porch) on the left two bays. The house rests on rusticated concrete block piers, is clad in vinyl, and has a pressed metal roof. The wide eaves suggest that the original exposed rafters have been enclosed.

407 St John Street (OT-615) -- c. 1965 - Ranch - One-story, frame Ranch house with a hip roof and an inset carport on the right side. Windows are 6/6 aluminum double-hung-sash. The house rests on a concrete slab foundation, is clad in brick, and has an asphalt shingle roof.

408 St John Street (OT-616) -- c. 1955-1960 - Minimal Traditional - One-story, frame, three-bay-wide (w-d-w) side-gable Minimal Traditional house; the right bay advances forming a shallow front-gable wing. A screened porch fills the left, front reentrant angle created by the wing. Windows are 1/1 vinyl, double-hung-sash windows. The building rests on a concrete slab foundation, is clad in stucco and composite wood, and has an asphalt shingle roof.

409 St John Street (OT-617) -- 1945-1955 - Vernacular Bungalow/Gable-Front - One-story, frame, two-bay-wide (w-d), gable-front vernacular Bungalow with a partial-width gable porch on the right bay. Windows are 1/1 aluminum double-hung-sash. The house has a concrete slab foundation, stucco cladding, partially enclosed exposed rafters, and an asphalt shingle roof.

410 St John Street (OT-618) -- c. 1965-1975 - Vernacular/Gable-Front - One-story, frame, five-bay-wide (w-w-d-w-w), vernacular gable-front house with a gable porch that extends across the right three bays. The porch is supported by square supports resting on a closed balustrade. The house is clad in brick and composite wood, and has new 1/1 vinyl double-hung windows. The house has wide eaves and brick quoins.

411 St John Street (OT-619) -- 1945-1955 - Vernacular Bungalow/Gable-Front - One-story, frame, two-bay-wide (w-d), gable-front vernacular Bungalow with a partial-width, inset porch on the right entrance bay. Windows are replacement 1/1 vinyl double-hung windows with faux muntins to replicate 6/6 windows. The house has a concrete block pier foundation, asbestos siding, exposed rafters, and an asphalt shingle roof.

412 St John Street (OT-620) -- c. 1965-1975 - Vernacular/Gable-Front - One-story, frame, three-bay-wide (w-d-w), gable-front house with a full-width inset front porch supported by square brick columns. The house is clad in brick and composite wood, and has an asphalt shingle roof.

413 St John Street (OT-621) -- 1950 - Ranch - One-story, frame, L-shaped Ranch house with an intersecting gable roof and an inset porch in the left front reentrant angle. An inset carport is located on the left side. The house rests on concrete block piers, is clad in wood novelty and composite wood siding, and has paired 2/2 aluminum double-hung-sash windows.

415 St John Street (OT-622) -- 1905-1917 - Vernacular Shotgun - One-story, frame, vernacular Shotgun house with a full-width, screened, inset front porch sheltered by the pented gable-front roof. Windows are replacement 2/2 aluminum double-hung-sash windows. The building rests on brick piers, is clad in asbestos siding, and has an asphalt shingle roof. A side-gable addition was added on the left elevation towards the rear of the house sometime after 1944 (per the 1944 Sanborn Fire Insurance maps).

415.5 St John Street (OT-623) -- 1965 - No Style - One-story, frame, brick-clad, gable-front house with a partial-width inset porch on the right front comer. The building rests on a concrete slab foundation, has 2/2 aluminum double-hung windows, and an asphalt shingle roof. A carport is attached on the right side.

417 St John Street (OT-624) -- c. 1965-1975 - No Style - One-story, brick-clad, gable-front house with a partial-width inset porch, and an inset front porch and carport. The building rests on brick piers, has 2/2 aluminum double-hung windows, and an asphalt shingle roof.

419 St John Street (OT-625) -- 1981 - Ranch - One-story, frame, side-gable Ranch house with a full-width, inset front porch supported by square brick columns. The building rests on a concrete slab foundation, has 2/2 aluminum double-hung-sash windows, and a pressed metal roof.

424 St John Street (OT-626) -- 1924-1930 - Craftsman Bungalow/Gable-Front - One-story, frame, gable-front Craftsman Bungalow with a full-width, inset, screened front porch supported by tapered columns set on rusticated concrete block pedestals. The building has a concrete block pier foundation, 1/1 aluminum double-hung-sash windows, Hardy Plank siding, exposed rafters, and an asphalt shingle roof.

426 St John Street (OT-627) -- 1950 - Vernacular Bungalow/Gable-Front - One-story, frame, gable-front Bungalow. The right bay advances forming a shallow, gable-front wing; a shed porch fills the left front reentrant angle formed by the wing. Windows are 2/2 aluminum double-hung-sash. The building rests on brick piers, is clad in brick, and has a pressed metal roof.

428 St John Street (OT-628) -- 1924-1930 - Craftsman Bungalow/Gable-Front - One-story, two-bay-wide (w-d), frame, gable-front Craftsman Bungalow. A gable, partial-width front porch covers the right bay. The porch is supported by square columns on battered pedestals. Other Craftsman details include decorative beams; the exposed rafters have been enclosed. The left bay has a paired 6/6 double-hung-sash wood window. The house rests on rusticated concrete block piers, is clad in stucco (gable-front façade) and asbestos siding (other elevations). A rear addition has vinyl windows and is clad in composite wood siding.

429 St John Street (OT-629) -- 1946 - Vernacular Bungalow/Gable-Front - One-story, frame, two-bay-wide (w-d) gable-front vernacular Bungalow with a partial-width, enclosed, gable porch on the right bay. The left bay is a paired 1/1 vinyl double-hung-sash window with faux muntins and shutters. The house is clad in vinyl siding, and has a pressed metal roof.

431 St John Street (OT-630) -- c. 1955-1960 - Vernacular Bungalow/Gable-Front - One-story, frame, three-bay-wide (w-d-w), gable-front Bungalow with a brick veneer. The entrance is a single door located offset left. The first bay is a picture window with a large, single light flanked by narrow, three-light windows. The right bay is a paired 2/2 aluminum double-hung window with shutters.