Demontluzin Avenue

105 Demontluzin Avenue (OT-270) -- c. 1980-1990 - Neo-Eclectic - Two-story, Neo-Eclectic apartment building with a concrete slab foundation, stucco and brick cladding, 6/6 vinyl double-hung windows with faux mullions, and a side-gable roof with asphalt shingles. Features include inset double galleries, cast iron entry gates, and parapets at the gable ends.

110 Demontluzin Avenue (OT-271) -- c. 2006-2008 - Neo-Bungalow - One-story, frame Neo-Bungalow with a hip roof, inset wraparound porch, and a center hip dormer. It has a brick pier foundation, composite wood siding, 4/4, 6/6 and 9/9 vinyl double-hung windows with faux mullions, a stationary 8-light vinyl picture window with faux mullions, and an asphalt shingle roof.

112 Demontluzin Avenue (OT-272) -- c. 1955 - Ranch - One-story, frame Ranch house with a multiple gable roof, a screened gable partial porch, and an attached carport. It has a concrete slab foundation, brick veneer cladding, 1/1 vinyl double-hung windows, and an asphalt shingle roof.

115 Demontluzin Avenue (OT-273) -- 1960 - Ranch - One-story, frame, four-bay-wide (w-d-w-w) hip-roofed Ranch house with inset partial porch; clapboard and composite wood siding; and single and paired 1/1 wooden double-hung and 6/6 vinyl double-hung windows with faux mullions. It is supported by a concrete slab foundation and has an asphalt shingle roof. A small hip roof addition is at right rear.

116 Demontluzin Avenue (OT-274) -- c. 1960 - Ranch - One-story, brick veneered, multi-gable Ranch house with inset entry porch and attached carport. The right two bays advance, forming a shallow gable-front wing. It has a concrete slab foundation, 2/2 aluminum double-hung windows, and an asphalt shingle roof.

117 Demontluzin Avenue (OT-275) -- c. 1840 - Vernacular - 2.5-story, frame, vernacular dwelling with a side-gable roof, three gabled dormers, and two hip roof wings that were added when the building was converted into an apartment building in 1964. The house has a wraparound porch that has been partially enclosed to create a double-galleried porch. The building now has a combination of brick veneer and cypress clapboard siding, 6/6 double-hung wood sash windows, French doors, and an asphalt shingle roof.

119 Demontluzin Avenue (OT-276) -- 1950 - Vernacular - One-story, frame, vernacular dwelling with a gable and hip roof, inset front porch, and exposed rafters. The house was originally a Minimal Traditional house, but later it was expanded to include front and rear porches, a steep gable roof, and a carport was added to the left side of the structure. It has novelty wood siding, original 3/1 double-hung wooden windows, and an asphalt shingle roof. The house does not possess the integrity required to be a contributing building in the district.

120 Demontluzin Avenue (OT-277) -- 1959 - Contemporary - One-story, frame, brick veneered, four-bay-wide (w-d-w-w) Contemporary residence with an intersecting gable roof, an attached garage, and a flat-roofed entry porch in the left front reentrant angle formed by the two wings. The windows are paired and quad 4/4 vinyl double-hung windows. It has a concrete slab foundation and an asphalt shingle roof.

121 Demontluzin Avenue (OT-278) -- 1940/1980 - Bungalow - One-story, frame, vernacular Bungalow with a front-gable roof and an enclosed projecting gable porch. It has a decorative concrete pier foundation; vinyl, brick and clapboard siding; a combination of vinyl and aluminum double-hung windows, and an asphalt shingle roof.

122 Demontluzin Avenue (OT-279) -- 1930-1944 - Vernacular - One-story, frame, vernacular residence with a side-gable roof and pedimented gable entry stoop. This house appears to have originally been two structures connected by a breezeway that was later enclosed. It has a brick pier and continuous concrete foundation; vinyl, board-and-batten, and novelty wood siding; 6/6 wooden doublehung and 6/6 vinyl double-hung windows with faux mullions; and an asphalt shingle roof. Decorative features include exposed rafters, brackets, and a three-light over two-panel door.

124 Demontluzin Avenue (OT-280) -- c. 1975-1985 - Ranch - One-story, frame, L-shaped Ranch house with an intersecting gable roof, inset entry porch, brick and vinyl cladding, and an attached garage. It has a concrete slab foundation, 1/1 vinyl double-hung windows, and an asphalt shingle roof.

126 Demontluzin Avenue (OT-281) -- c. 2006-2008 - Post-Katrina Coastal Arch. - One-story, frame residence with a side-gable roof, two-front doors with transoms, and a full-width inset front porch with brackets. It has a concrete block pier foundation, Hardy Plank cladding, 6/6 vinyl double-hung windows with faux mullions, and a pressed metal roof.

135 Demontluzin Avenue (OT-282) -- c. 1950-1960 - Ranch - One-story, frame, three-bay-wide (w-d-w) Ranch house with a side-gable roof. The right bay is a picture window with a large center light, flanked by aluminum double-hung windows. Other windows are 2/2 aluminum double-hung-sash windows. The house has a continuous concrete foundation, wood novelty siding, and an asphalt shingle roof.

140 Demontluzin Avenue (OT-283) -- 1950 - No Style - One-story, frame residence with a front-gable roof, hip entry porch, and brick veneer siding. It has a pier foundation, 1/1 vinyl double-hung windows, and an asphalt shingle roof. This structure appears to have been a church that was converted into a residence.

204 Demontluzin Avenue (OT-284) -- 2006-2008 - Post-Katrina Coastal Arch. - One-story, frame, three-bay-wide (w-d-w) residence with a gable-on-hip roof and inset front porch supported by replacement wood posts. The dwelling has a concrete block pier foundation, vinyl siding, 6/6 vinyl double-hung windows with faux mullions, and an asphalt shingle roof.

206 Demontluzin Avenue (OT-285) -- c. 2006-2008 - Post-Katrina Coastal Arch. - One-story, frame, L-shaped post-Katrina residence with an intersecting gable roof and an inset partial front porch. The dwelling has a concrete block pier foundation, vinyl siding, 6/6 vinyl double-hung windows with faux mullions, and an asphalt shingle roof.

209 Demontluzin Avenue (OT-286) -- c. 1955 - Rectangular Cottage - One-story, frame, Rectangular Cottage with a hip roof, screened inset partial front porch that extends across the right bays, 6/6 vinyl double-hung windows with faux mullions, vinyl siding, and an asphalt shingle roof.

211 Demontluzin Avenue (OT-287) -- c. 1945-1960 - Minimal Traditional - One-story, frame, Minimal Traditional residence with a hip roof and a center projecting bay that forms a shallow gabled wing. An inset partial-width screened front porch extends across the right bays, filling the reentrant angle formed by the gabled wing. A shed roof screened porch has been added to the left side of the house. The house has vinyl siding, 6/6 vinyl double-hung windows with faux mullions, and an asphalt shingle roof.

213 Demontluzin Avenue (OT-288) -- 1920-1930 - Vernacular Bungalow/Gable-Front - One-story, frame, three-bay-wide (w-d-w) vernacular gable-front Bungalow. A shallow gabled wing is located on the right two bays; an inset entry porch is on the left side of this wing. The first and third bays on the gable-front façade are paired 3/1 wooden double-hung-sash windows. Hexagonal vents are located in the gable ends. The house rests on a brick pier foundation, is clad in vinyl siding, and has an asphalt shingle roof.

301 Demontluzin Avenue (OT-289) -- 1947 - Vernacular Bungalow/Side-Gable - One-story, frame, vernacular, Bungalow with a side-gable-on-hip roof, a gabled entry stoop, and a screened inset partial porch on the left side. The dwelling has a pier foundation, stucco cladding, 6/6 vinyl double-hung windows with faux mullions, exposed rafters, and an asphalt shingle roof.

302 Demontluzin Avenue (OT-290) -- c. 1950-1960 - Vernacular - One-story, frame, L-shaped, multi-gabled, vernacular house with an in-law cottage attached by a side-gable carport on the right side. An enclosed shed partial porch fills the right front reentrant angle formed by the intersecting gables. The house is clad in wood novelty siding and has triple 2/2 aluminum double-hung windows. The in-law cottage has a front-gable roof with decorative shingles in the gable end, a shed partial porch supported by decorative iron columns, wood novelty siding, and 6/6 vinyl double-hung windows with faux mullions.

303 Demontluzin Avenue (OT-291) -- c. 2006-2008 - Neo-Bungalow - One-story, frame, three-bay-wide (w-d-w) Neo-Bungalow with a gable-on-hip roof and inset partial porch on the right two bays. The left bay advances forming a shallow gabled wing. The dwelling has a concrete pier foundation, Hardy Plank siding, 6/6 double-hung windows, decorative shingles in the gable ends, and a pressed metal roof.

304 Demontluzin Avenue (OT-292) -- 1950 - Vernacular/Rectangular Cottage - One-story, frame, vernacular Rectangular Cottage with a hip roof, gabled entry porch flanked by paired 6/6 vinyl double-hung windows with faux mullions, and a screened inset partial porch on the left side. The dwelling has a concrete block pier foundation, wood novelty siding, 6/6 vinyl double-hung windows with faux mullions, and an asphalt shingle roof with terracotta ridge tiles.

306 Demontluzin Avenue (OT-293) -- 1947 - Bungalow/Side-Gable - One-story, frame, five-bay-wide (w-d-w) side-gable Bungalow with a two-bay linear addition on the left side. The entrance, located on the third bay, is a single door with a hexagonal awning and cast iron trim capped by a wall gable. The house has paired 6/6 and 6/2 wooden double-hung-sash windows on the older portion and 9/9 vinyl double-hung windows on the left addition. A polygonal bay is on the first bay of the original portion of the house. The residence has a concrete block foundation, stucco cladding, and an asphalt shingle roof.

307 Demontluzin Avenue (OT-294) -- c. 1946 - Vernacular Bungalow/Gable-Front - One-story, frame, three-bay-wide (w-d-w) vernacular, gable-front Bungalow with a projecting gable partial porch, and a shed roof rear addition. The residence has a concrete pier foundation, composite siding over wood novelty siding, paired 3/1 wooden double-hung windows, and an asphalt shingle roof.

308 Demontluzin Avenue (OT-295) -- c. 1945-1955 - Vernacular/Rectangular Cottage - One-story, frame, vernacular Rectangular Cottage with a primary side-gable that creates the main living space, and a smaller side-gable wing on the left side. The residence has a concrete slab foundation, inset partial porch, vinyl siding, 2/2 aluminum double-hung windows, and an asphalt shingle roof.

309 Demontluzin Avenue (OT-296) -- 1970 - Ranch - One-story, frame, Ranch house with a new side-gable roof which was enlarged to encompass a large rear addition. The residence has a gabled entry porch, an attached carport (left side), rusticated brick veneer cladding, and new vinyl paired double-hung windows.

310 Demontluzin Avenue (OT-297) -- 2008 - Neo-Bungalow - One-story, frame, three-bay-wide (d-d-d) Neo-Bungalow with a gable-on-hip roof, an inset full-width front porch, three front doors with transoms (French doors on the first and third bays), and exposed rafters.

311 Demontluzin Avenue (OT-298) -- 1990-2005 - Neo-Eclectic - One-story, frame, Neo-Eclectic residence with a hip roof, inset full-width front porch, and attached carport (right side). It has a concrete slab foundation, Hardy Plank cladding, 6/6 vinyl double-hung windows with faux mullions, and an asphalt shingle roof.

312 Demontluzin Avenue (OT-299) -- 1960 - Vernacular/Rectangular Cottage - One-story, frame, three-bay-wide (d-w-w) vernacular side-gable Rectangular Cottage with an irregular floor plan, enclosed inset partial porch on the left bay, and attached carport (left rear). The second bay is a picture window with large center light flanked by 1/1 sash windows. Other windows are wooden double-hung windows. The house has a concrete block pier foundation, an asphalt shingle roof, and three types of cladding; wood novelty, hardy plank, and board and batten.

313 Demontluzin Avenue (OT-300) -- 1955 - Ranch - One-story, frame, four-bay-wide (w-d-w-w) Ranch house with a hip roof, wide eaves, wood novelty siding, single and triple 2/2 wooden double-hung windows, a large central picture window, and a shed roof rear addition.

314 Demontluzin Avenue (OT-301) -- 1948 - Minimal Traditional - One-story, frame, three-bay-wide (w-d-w) Minimal Traditional Rectangular Cottage with a side-gable roof. A projecting gabled entry porch is located offset right on the main façade. The house has a concrete block pier foundation, stucco cladding, paired 6/6 wooden double-hung windows, and an asphalt shingle roof.

315 Demontluzin Avenue (OT-302) -- 1950 - Rectangular Cottage/Minimal Traditional - One-story, frame, three-bay-wide (w-d-w) Minimal Traditional Rectangular Cottage with a side-gable roof. A gabled entry porch is located offset left on the main façade. It is flanked by paired 1/1 vinyl double-hung-sash windows. The house has a concrete block pier foundation, vinyl siding, an asphalt shingle roof, and a shed roof rear addition.

316 Demontluzin Avenue (OT-303) -- c. 2005-2008 - Neo-Bungalow - One-story, frame, post-Katrina Neo-Bungalow with an attached carport on the right side. It has a concrete block pier foundation, Hardy Plank cladding, 1/1 vinyl double-hung windows, and a pressed metal gable roof.

317 Demontluzin Avenue (OT-304) -- 1980-1990 - No Style - One and two-story, frame, gable-front house with an inset full-width front porch. It has a concrete slab foundation, vinyl and brick cladding, and an asphalt shingle roof.

319 Demontluzin Avenue (OT-305) -- 1950-1960 - Minimal Traditional - One-story, frame, three-bay-wide (w-d-w) Minimal Traditional residence with a side-gable roof, a gabled front entry at center, paired vinyl windows with faux mullions and shutters, wood novelty siding, and a large rear addition.

320 Demontluzin Avenue (OT-306) -- 1945-1955 - Vernacular Bungalow/Gable-Front - One-story, frame, three-bay-wide (w-d-w) vernacular gable-front Bungalow with a projecting front-gable partial porch supported by triple wood posts on the left two bays. The house sets on a concrete block pier foundation, has stucco cladding, 1/1 vinyl double-hung windows, exposed rafters, and an asphalt shingle roof.

321 Demontluzin Avenue (OT-307) -- 1946-1950 - Craftsman Bungalow/Gable-Front - One-story, frame, three-bay-wide (w-d-w) Craftsman Vernacular gable-front Bungalow with a gabled inset partial-width front porch on the left two bays. Features include exposed rafters, comer brackets, wood novelty cladding, single and paired 6/6 and 3/1 wooden double-hung-sash windows, and an asphalt shingle roof. A small rectangular window is in the front gable end.

323 Demontluzin Avenue (OT-308) -- c. 1945-1955 - Vernacular/Rectangular Cottage - One-story, frame, vernacular Rectangular Cottage with a primary gable that creates the main living space and a smaller side gable that expands it. It has concrete slab foundation, wood novelty siding, lead glass door, and an asphalt shingle roof. The residence has three types of windows: 6/6 wooden double-hung, 1/1 aluminum doublehung, and 1/1 vinyl double-hung windows.

324 Demontluzin Avenue (OT-309) -- 1945 - Vernacular Bungalow/Side-Gable - One-story, frame, five-bay-wide (w-w-d-w-w), vernacular side-gable Bungalow with a projecting center gable accented by triple double-hung-sash windows. It has a concrete slab foundation, stucco cladding, 1/1 vinyl double-hung windows with faux mullions, and an asphalt shingle roof. Decorative features include exposed rafters, scalloped wood panels in the gable ends, and decorative shutters. This residence is very similar to 329 Demontluzin Avenue.

325 Demontluzin Avenue (OT-310) -- c. 1990-2000 - Ranch - One-story, frame, Ranch house with an irregular floor plan, intersecting hip roofs, shed partial porch and attached carport. It has a concrete slab foundation, vinyl siding, 6/6 vinyl double-hung windows with false mullions, and an asphalt shingle roof.

326 Demontluzin Avenue (OT-311) -- 1940 - Vernacular Bungalow - One-story, frame, L-plan vernacular Bungalow with a dominant side-gable roof and advancing left bay which creates a shallow wing. It has a pier foundation, stucco cladding, 2/2 aluminum double-hung windows, and a pressed metal roof. A brick chimney is located outside left.

327 Demontluzin Avenue (OT-312) -- c. 1955-1960 - Ranch - One-story, frame, Ranch house with a dominant side-gable roof and advancing left bay which creates a shallow wing. A screened inset porch fills the right front reentrant angle. This residence has a concrete slab foundation, stucco cladding, 6/6 wooden double-hung windows, and an asphalt shingle roof.

328 Demontluzin Avenue (OT-313) -- c. 1975-1985 - Modern - One-story, frame residence with a shed roof, clapboard siding, 1/1 vinyl double-hung windows, and an attached carport.

329a Demontluzin Avenue (OT-314) -- c. 2005-2008 - Post-Katrina Coastal Arch. - 1.5-story, frame, five-bay-wide (w-w-d-w-w), side-gabled post-Katrina residence with a central entrance that has sidelights and transom; full-width inset front porch supported by brick columns and pedestals; Hardy Plank siding; vinyl windows with transoms; two gabled dormers; and a pier foundation.

329b Demontluzin Avenue (OT-315) -- c. 1945-1955 - Craftsman Vernacular - One-story, frame, side-gable Craftsman Vernacular residence with an advancing center gabled bay accented by triple, 3/1 wood double-hung windows; inset partial porches flank this advancing bay. The house has a concrete slab foundation, 3/1 wooden double-hung-sash windows, exposed rafters, scalloped wood panels in the gable ends, and a pressed metal roof. This residence is very similar to 324 Demontluzin Avenue.

330 Demontluzin Avenue (OT-316) -- 1958 - Colonial Revival influence - Two-story, frame, residence with a Colonial Revival center entrance that has sidelights and a full-height hipped-roof porch supported by square columns. The house has 6/6 wooden double-hung-sash windows, a multi-gable pressed metal roof, exposed rafters, and attached carport.

331 Demontluzin Avenue (OT-317) -- c. 1965-1975 - Minimal Traditional - One-story, frame, Minimal Traditional residence with side-gable roof and an advancing right bay that forms a shallow wing. It has a concrete slab foundation, inset entry door, large picture window at center, 6/6 vinyl windows with faux mullions, vinyl siding, and an asphalt shingle roof.

333 Demontluzin Avenue (OT-318) -- 1960 - Vernacular - One-story, frame, vernacular dwelling with an irregular floor plan, intersecting gable roofs, an inset partial porch, wood novelty siding, 2/2 aluminum double-hung windows, and an asphalt shingle roof. The right side of the house has a side-gable roof which is more steeply pitched than the left gable.

335 Demontluzin Avenue (OT-319) -- c. 1960 - Ranch - One-story, frame, brick clad Ranch house with an L-plan formed by the advancing left bay. The house sits on a concrete slab foundation and is sheltered by a hip, asphalt shingle, roof with wide eaves. A gabled entry is located offset right on the main façade; to the left of the door is a large, three-part picture window with faux mullions. Other windows are 6/6 vinyl double-hung windows.

337 Demontluzin Avenue (OT-320) -- 1955-1960 - Ranch - One-story, frame, three-bay-wide (w-d-w), wood novelty sided, Ranch house with a side-gable asphalt shingle roof, and a center entrance flanked by paired and triple 1/1 vinyl double-hung windows with faux mullions.

338 Demontluzin Avenue (OT-321) -- 1969 - Minimal Traditional - One-story, frame house with a wraparound porch that probably has a historic house at its core, but due to successive alterations that have diminished its integrity, it is a non-contributing building in the district.

342 Demontluzin Avenue (OT-322) -- 1945-1955 - Rectangular Cottage/Tudor influence - One-story, frame, four-bay-wide (w-d-w-w), side-gabled Rectangular Cottage which features an entry porch on the second bay with a steeply pitched gable with chisel shingles and 4-light window. Other windows are paired 6/6 vinyl double-hung windows with faux mullions. The house is clad in wood novelty siding and has an asphalt shingle roof.

346 Demontluzin Avenue (OT-323) -- 1949-1953 - Rectangular Cottage/Minimal Traditional - One-story, frame, three-bay-wide (w-d-w) side-gable Minimal Traditional Rectangular Cottage with a center gabled entry porch flanked by paired and triple 3/1 vinyl double-hung windows with faux mullions. The house has a concrete block pier foundation, wood novelty siding, an asphalt shingle roof, and a rear gable roof addition.

350 Demontluzin Avenue (OT-324) -- 1946-1948 - Rectangular Cottage/Minimal Traditional - One-story, frame, three-bay-wide (w-d-w) Minimal Traditional dwelling with a side-gable roof and gabled center entry porch. The house rests on a continuous concrete foundation, is clad in vinyl siding, has single and paired 2/2 aluminum double-hung windows, an asphalt shingle roof, a side-gable addition, and attached carport. .

352 Demontluzin Avenue (OT-325) -- 1957 - Minimal Traditional - One-story, frame, multi-gabled Minimal Traditional residence with an advancing left bay that forms a shallow gabled wing. An inset porch fills the reentrant angle. The entrance is at center; to the right is a large picture window with a fixed center light flanked by double-hung windows. Other features are vinyl siding, 1/1 vinyl double-hung windows, a side-gable wing recessed slightly that extends from the right side of the house, and an asphalt shingle roof.

403 Demontluzin Avenue (OT-326) -- c. 1950-1955 - Rectangular Cottage/Minimal Traditional - One-story, frame, three-bay-wide (w-d-w) Minimal Traditional Rectangular Cottage with a side-gable roof, projecting gabled entry porch located off-center right, and paired 1/1 vinyl windows with faux mullions. The house sits on a concrete block pier foundation, is clad in vinyl siding, and has an asphalt shingle roof.

404 Demontluzin Avenue (OT-327) -- 1963 - Ranch - One-story, frame, brick-clad, four-bay-wide (w-d-w-w) Ranch house with an asphalt side-gabled roof. The dwelling rests on a pier foundation, has paired and triple 1/1 aluminum double-hung windows with faux mullions.

405 Demontluzin Avenue (OT-328) -- 1945-1955 - Vernacular/Rectangular Cottage - One-story, frame, three-bay-wide (w-d-w) vernacular Rectangular Cottage with a side-gable roof, inset entry porch that has a door with sidelights, stucco cladding, and 6/6 wooden double-hung windows with faux shutters. An attached carport and a flat roof addition are at the rear. The house is identical to the adjacent house at 407 Demontluzin Avenue.

406 Demontluzin Avenue (OT-329) -- 1960 - Ranch - One-story, frame, brick-clad Ranch house with an asphalt shingle hip roof and a hip partial porch supported by decorative iron columns. The residence sits on a concrete slab foundation. Windows include a picture window with a large center light and sidelights and single and paired 1/1 aluminum double-hung windows. An enclosed carport clad in vinyl siding is on the left bay; a carport is attached to the front of the enclosure.

407 Demontluzin Avenue (OT-330) -- 1945-1955 - Vernacular/Rectangular Cottage - One-story, frame, three-bay-wide (w-d-w), Vernacular Rectangular Cottage with a side-gable roof. The center bay is an inset entry porch with a paneled wood door flanked by five-light sidelights. Windows are 2/2 aluminum double-hung-sash windows with faux louvered shutters. The structure has a concrete block pier foundation, stucco cladding, and an asphalt shingle roof. It is identical to the adjacent house at 405 Demontluzin Avenue.

409 Demontluzin Avenue (OT-331) -- c. 1980-1990 - Ranch - One-story, frame, brick-clad Ranch with a side-gable roof and enclosed attached carport.

411 Demontluzin Avenue (OT-332) -- c. 1945-1955 - Minimal Traditional - One-story, frame, three-bay-wide (w-d-w) Minimal Traditional house with a two-bay linear addition on the left side. The second bay on the original section of the house is a door with a gabled entry porch. The right bay is a picture window with a large single light and sidelights. Other windows are 2/2 aluminum and 3/1 wooden double-hung-sash windows. The dwelling sets on a concrete slab foundation, is clad with wood novelty siding, and has a side-gable asphalt shingle roof.

412 Demontluzin Avenue (OT-333) -- c. 1985-1995 - Ranch - One-story, frame, brick-clad, five-bay-wide Ranch house with a hip roof and wide eaves, an inset partial-width front porch, and inset carport.

413 Demontluzin Avenue (OT-334) -- 1950 - Vernacular Bungalow/Gable-Front - One-story, frame, two-bay-wide (w-d) vernacular gable-front Bungalow. The walls are clad with brick, and the gable end is covered with vinyl siding. A screened inset partial front porch is located on the right entrance bay. The dwelling rests on a pier foundation, has 3/1 wooden and 2/2 aluminum double-hung windows with brick sills, and an asphalt shingle roof. The residence is further embellished with metal awnings over the doors, windows, and porch.

414 Demontluzin Avenue (OT-335) -- 1980 - Ranch - One-story, frame, brick-clad Ranch house with a side-gable roof and an inset partial porch. Windows are 6/6 double-hung-sash with faux muntins and shutters. The roof is sheathed in asphalt shingles.

415 Demontluzin Avenue (OT-336) -- 1950-1960 - Minimal Traditional - One-story, frame, three-bay-wide (w-d-w) Minimal Traditional residence with a side-gable roof, stucco cladding, and a gabled entry porch located offset the left porch on the main façade. The house has a concrete block pier foundation, paired 1/1 double-hung windows, and an asphalt shingle roof.

416 Demontluzin Avenue (OT-337) -- 1947 - Minimal Traditional - One-story, frame, three-bay-wide (w-d-w) Minimal Traditional residence with an L-shape created by the advancing right bay which forms a hipped-roof wing. A shed entry porch is in the front reentrant angle. The dwelling rests on a foundation of concrete block piers, is clad in vinyl siding, has paired 2/2 double-hung windows with faux shutters, and a side-gable asphalt shingle roof.

417 Demontluzin Avenue (OT-338) -- c. 1950-1960 - Vernacular/Rectangular Cottage - One-story, frame, four-bay-wide (w-d-w-porch) vernacular Rectangular Cottage with a side-gable roof and a screened partially-inset porch on the right front corner. Windows are 1/1 vinyl double-hung windows with fixed louvered shutters and awnings. The house sits on a concrete slab foundation and has a side-gabled asphalt shingle roof.

418 Demontluzin Avenue (OT-339) -- c. 1950 - Vernacular - One-story, frame, irregular plan residence with multiple additions, a pressed metal hip and gable roof, and stucco cladding. The core house is an L-plan Minimal Traditional dwelling with an intersecting hip roof and a hip entry porch accentuated by ironwork. The house has been expanded linearly to include two side-gable additions and attached front-gable carport and garage. The dwelling has a concrete slab foundation and has three types of windows: 2/2 and 1/1 aluminum double-hung and a single-light picture window with 1/1 double-hung sidelights.

419 Demontluzin Avenue (OT-340) -- 1940 - Vernacular Bungalow/Gable-Front - One-story, frame, vernacular gable-front Bungalow with a side-gabled screened porch that fills the right front reentrant angle created by the advancing left bay that forms a shallow gabled wing. The porch is supported by a square, stuccoed, column. The house has a concrete block foundation, stucco cladding, 2/2 double-hung windows, and an asphalt shingle roof. Decorative accents include fixed louvered shutters and awnings. Square vents are in the gable ends.

420 Demontluzin Avenue (OT-341) -- c. 1952 - Minimal Traditional - One-story, frame, three-bay-wide (w-d-w), Minimal Traditional residence with a side-gable roof, projecting gable entry porch, recently expanded to create a full-width shed porch, and an attached carport in the rear. The dwelling sits on a concrete block pier foundation, is clad with vinyl siding, has paired 1/1 vinyl double-hung windows with faux mullions, and an asphalt shingle roof.

421 Demontluzin Avenue (OT-342) -- c. 1945-1955 - Minimal Traditional - One-story, frame, Minimal Traditional L-shaped house with an inset entry porch located on the right side of the left gable-front wing. The house has a concrete block foundation, vinyl siding, single and paired 1/1 and 2/2 aluminum double-hung windows, and a multi-gabled asphalt shingle roof. Decorative accents include faux board-and-batten shutters. A carport is attached to the right side.

422 Demontluzin Avenue (OT-343) -- c. 1960 - Ranch - One-story, frame, brick-clad Ranch house that has a side-gable asphalt shingle roof with wide eaves. The entrance is located at center; to the left of the door is a large picture window. Other windows are 2/2 aluminum double-hung windows. A carport is inset on the left side of the house.

423 Demontluzin Avenue (OT-344) -- c. 1940-1950 - Minimal Traditional - One-story, frame, L-shaped, stucco-clad Minimal Traditional residence. The left bay advances forming a shallow gable-front wing; a flat-roofed, screened porch with stuccoed comer column and closed balustrade fills the right front reentrant angle created by the wing. The house has a pier foundation, stucco cladding, 1/1 aluminum double-hung windows with faux mullions, and a multi-gable asphalt shingle roof. Decorative accents include wood louvered shutters, scalloped bargeboards, and exposed rafters.

424 Demontluzin Avenue (OT-345) -- 1950-1960 - Minimal Traditional - One-story, frame, three-bay-wide (w-d-w), L-shaped Minimal Traditional house. The main entrance is located on the second bay. Windows are paired and single 2/2 aluminum double-hung windows. The house is clad in vinyl siding, and has a multi-gable pressed metal roof.

425 Demontluzin Avenue (OT-346) -- c. 1965-1975 - Ranch - One-story, frame, brick-clad, L-shaped Ranch house that has an intersecting hip roof with wide eaves, inset entry porch in the right front reentrant angle, and inset double carport.

426 Demontluzin Avenue (OT-347) -- 1945 - Minimal Traditional - One-story, frame, Minimal Traditional residence built on an L-plan comprised of a side-gabled core with advancing right bay that forms a shallow gabled wing. The main entrance is a single door with sidelights located off-center left, and windows are vinyl Craftsman-style windows with faux mullions. The house sits on a concrete slab foundation, is clad in novelty siding, and has an asphalt shingle roof.

427 Demontluzin Avenue (OT-348) -- 1975 - Ranch - One-story, frame, brick-clad Ranch house that has a hip roof with wide eaves, inset carport on the left, and screened inset partial porch on the right elevation. The entrance is a single door located offset right on the main façade.

428 Demontluzin Avenue (OT-349) -- c. 1985-1995 - Ranch - One-story, frame, brick-clad Ranch house with an intersecting hip roof and wide eaves, a hip partial porch, and an enclosed inset carport.

429 Demontluzin Avenue (OT-350) -- 1959 - Minimal Traditional - One-story, frame, Minimal Traditional residence built on an L-plan comprised of a side-gabled core with advancing left bays that form a shallow gable wing. An inset porch is located on the right side of the advancing left wing. Windows are paired and triple aluminum double-hung windows. The house has a concrete slab foundation, vinyl siding, an attached carport, and an asphalt shingle roof.

433 Demontluzin Avenue (OT-351) -- 1940 - Vernacular Bungalow/Gable-Front - One-story, frame, three-bay-wide (w-d-w) vernacular gable-front Bungalow with gable partial-width front porch which extends across the right two bays. Windows are paired 2/2 wood and 2/2 aluminum double-hung windows. The house has a concrete pier foundation, a corrugated metal roof, and a rear shed addition.