Easterbrook Street

303 Easterbrook Street (OT-353) -- c. 1945-1955 - Vernacular Bungalow/Gable-Front - One-story, three-bay-wide (w-d-w) vernacular gable-front Bungalow with a partial-width gable front porch which extends across the right two bays. The building is clad in vinyl siding, and the roof is clad in corrugated metal. The house has paired 2/2 aluminum double-hung windows. The building rests on brick foundation piers. The fluted metal porch supports are recent additions.

307 Easterbrook Street (OT-354) -- 1890-1904 - Vernacular -
Joseph Labat House- One-story, vernacular house with an irregular floor plan, multiple roof types, and a full-width hip-roofed porch with a gabled entry. An original side porch was enclosed in the early twentieth century. The dwelling is clad in wood clapboard, and the roof is clad in asphalt shingles. Stylistic details include dentils, square wood columns, and exposed rafters. A polygonal bay extends from the right side. The building rests on brick foundation piers.

308 Easterbrook Street (OT-355) -- 1910-1917 - Craftsman Vernacular - One-story, frame, three-bay-wide (w-d-w) side-gable Craftsman Vernacular dwelling with a center entrance flanked by sidelights and transom, a bay window on the first bay, and a multi-light Craftsman window on the right bay. An inset partial-width front porch supported by tapered columns on square pedestals and a blind balustrade extends across the right two bays. The house is clad in clapboard and has a metal roof.

309 Easterbrook Street (OT-356) -- c. 1950-1960 - Bungalow/Gable-Front - One-story, rectangular, three-bay-wide (w-d-w), vernacular gable-front Bungalow with a gable partial-width front porch that extends across the right two bays. The single-door entrance is located offset right. Windows are single and paired 2/2 aluminum double-hung-sash. The house is clad in wood novelty/drop siding, is supported by a continuous concrete foundation, and has an asphalt shingle roof. A square louvered vent is in the front gable end.

311 Easterbrook Street (OT-357) -- 1924-1930 - Vernacular - One-story, concrete block, gable-front building with exposed rafters, double doors and a shed awning on the primary gable-front elevation, and 2/2 wood double-hung-sash windows on the side elevations. The building rests on a concrete slab, and the roof is clad in corrugated metal.

313 Easterbrook Street (OT-358) -- 1944-1955 - Shotgun/Craftsman Vern. - One-story, frame, two-bay-wide (d-w) Craftsman Vernacular Shotgun with a gable-front roof and a full-width inset screened front porch. A rectangular louvered vent is in the gable end. The building is clad in wood drop siding. Stylistic details include exposed rafters and decorative beams. The windows include some of the original wood 6/6 double-hung windows and newer 2/2 aluminum double-hung windows. The building rests on concrete block foundation piers, and the roof is sheathed in corrugated metal.

315 Easterbrook Street (OT-359) -- 1900-1904 - Vernacular Bungalow/Gable-Front - One-story, frame, two-bay-wide (d-w) vernacular gable-front Bungalow with a screened, partial-width, gable front porch supported by square wood posts; the porch is located on the left entrance bay. The entrance is a single door with sidelights; the right bay has paired 6/6 wood double-hung-sash windows. The building is clad in wood novelty siding and has exposed rafters. The building rests on brick piers.

316 Easterbrook Street (OT-360) -- c. 2006-2008 - Post-Katrina Coastal Arch. - One-story, three-bay-wide (w-d-w) gable-front post-Katrina house clad in composite wood siding. Windows are 1/1 double-hung-sash. The house rests on piers, and the roof is clad in asphalt shingles.

317 Easterbrook Street (OT-361) -- c. 1890-1900 - Creole Cottage - One-story, frame, four-bay-wide (w-d-d-w) Creole Cottage with a side-gable roof and full-width inset front porch. The building has two front doors flanked by original 6/6 wood double-hung-sash windows. The building is clad in composite wood, and the roof is clad with corrugated metal. The building rests on new concrete foundation piers.

318 Easterbrook Street (OT-362) -- c. 2006-2008 - Post-Katrina Coastal Arch. - One-story, frame, five-bay-wide (w-w-d-w-w) house with a partial-width gable-on-hip porch that extends across the center three bays. The entrance is recessed on the center bay. The house rests on concrete block piers, and has Hardy Plank siding.

319 Easterbrook Street (OT-363) -- 1990 - Bungalow/Gable-Front - One-story, frame, two-bay-wide (d-w) gable-front Bungalow with a gabled entry porch located on the left entry bay. The house has composite wood siding, exposed rafter tails, and an asphalt shingle roof.

321 Easterbrook Street (OT-364) -- 1909-1917 - Craftsman Vern. Bungalow - One-story, frame, gable-front Craftsman Vernacular Bungalow with a hip full-width, screened, porch supported by paired wood columns on square pedestals and clapboard balustrade. The house has exposed rafters and a bracket in the front gable. The house is clad in wood clapboard, and the roof is sheathed in pressed metal. The building rests on a brick pier foundation. Two additions-one on the rear and the other on the right side-were added sometime after 1944.

321b Easterbrook Street (OT-365) -- 1924-1930 - Vernacular Shotgun - One-story, frame, two-bay-wide (w-d) Shotgun house with a gable-on-hip roof and an inset full-width front porch. The building is clad in board-and-batten, and has exposed rafter tails and large knee brackets on the primary façade. Windows are 1/1 fixed wood frame and 6/6 wood double-hung-sash. The building rests on a concrete block pier foundation, and has a small rear addition with a shed roof.

323 Easterbrook Street (OT-366) -- 1917-1924 - Bungalow/Gable-Front - One-story, frame, three-bay-wide (w-d-w) gable-front Bungalow with a partial-width gable porch that extends across the left two bays. The entrance is a single door located offset left on the primary gable façade. The windows are 1/1 vinyl double-hung-sash with faux muntins to replicate 6/6 windows. The building rests on a concrete block pier foundation, is clad with vinyl siding, and has a corrugated metal roof.

326 Easterbrook Street (OT-367) -- c. 1955-1960 - Ranch - One-story, frame, brick-clad Ranch house with a low-pitched hip roof, wide eaves, and a partial-width hip porch. The building retains its original front door and aluminum windows. The structure is supported by a pier foundation, and has an inset carport on the right side.

328 Easterbrook Street (OT-368) -- c. 1890-1910 - Shotgun/L-galleried - One-story, frame, vernacular L-galleried Shotgun house with a multiple gable roof and a wraparound porch supported by turned columns. The porch extends across the primary gable façade, around the left side, and the front of the lateral wing. There are four doors opening onto the porch. Windows are vinyl 1/1 double-hung-sash. The original wood clapboard can be seen in some places underneath the vinyl siding. There is a large pre-1917 side-gable addition on the rear.

329 Easterbrook Street (OT-369) -- 1984 - Ranch - One-story Ranch house with a complex side-gable roof, shed porch on the entrance bay, brick cladding, and inset carport on the right side. The building sits on a concrete slab foundation.

330 Easterbrook Street (OT-370) -- c. 1935-1945 - Minimal Traditional - One-story, frame, three-bay-wide (w-d-w), L-shaped Minimal Traditional house. The left bay advances to form a shallow gabled wing; a shed-roof porch fills the right front re-entrant angle created by the wing. The entrance is a 3-light Craftsman door; the right bay is a wood picture window flanked by 2-light sidelights. A paired, 3/1 wood double-hung window is on the left gabled wing. The dwelling has a concrete block pier foundation, vinyl siding, and a side-gable roof.

331 Easterbrook Street (OT-371) -- c. 1983 - Ranch - One-story, brick veneer Ranch style house with a hip roof, wide eaves, inset full-width porch, and an inset carport on the right side. The house sits on a concrete slab foundation.

334 Easterbrook Street (OT-372) -- 1924-1930 - Vernacular Shotgun - One-story, frame, two-bay-wide (d-w) vernacular Shotgun with a gable-on-hip roof and an inset full-width front porch supported by replacement wood posts and balustrade. The building is clad in vinyl siding, and the roof is clad in pressed metal. Windows are replacement 1/1 aluminum double-hung. The dwelling rests on a variety of foundation piers made from brick, concrete block, and rusticated concrete block.

338 Easterbrook Street (OT-373) -- 1930-1944 - Craftsman Vern. Bungalow - One-story, three-bay-wide (w-d-w), gable-front Craftsman Vernacular Bungalow with a gable porch supported by tapered columns on square pedestals that extends across the three bays on the primary gable-front elevation. The entrance is located offset left, and is a four-light door; it is flanked by paired 2/2 aluminum double-hung windows. The building has exposed rafters and decorative beams, and is clad in vinyl siding. It rests on foundation piers made of a variety of materials, and has a pressed metal roof.

339 Easterbrook Street (OT-374) -- 1924-1930 - Vernacular Shotgun - One-story, frame, two-bay-wide (w-d) vernacular Shotgun with a gable-on-hip roof supported by paired wooden posts on a concrete block closed balustrade. The front door is located on the right bay and has a segmentally-arched upper light. Windows are 1/1 vinyl double-hung-sash with faux muntins to replicate 6/6 sash windows. The building has exposed rafters, is clad in vinyl siding, and has a corrugated metal roof. A square louvered vent is located in the front gable end.

341 Easterbrook Street (OT-375) -- 1930-1944 - Craftsman Bungalow - One-story, frame, three-bay-wide (w-d-w) Craftsman Bungalow with a gable-on-hip roof, full-width inset porch, and a gable porch over the right two bays. The porch is supported by heavy tapered columns set on square pedestals. Square vents are located in the primary gable and porch gable ends. The house also features exposed rafters, decorative beams, a three-light Craftsman door, and 6/6 wood double-hung-sash windows. The building is clad in clapboard, and the roof is sheathed in corrugated metal. The foundation piers have been covered in stucco. There is a small shed-roofed addition at the rear.

343 Easterbrook Street (OT-376) -- c. 1945-1955 - Vernacular Bungalow/Gable-Front - One-story, frame, gable-front Bungalow with a gable porch that extends across the gable-front façade. A side-gabled wing extends from the left side. The building has single and paired 6/6 wood double-hung-sash windows, is clad in wood novelty siding, and has exposed rafters. The house rests on a brick foundation.

346 Easterbrook Street (OT-377) -- 1924-1930 - Craftsman Bungalow - 1.5-story, frame, four-bay-wide (w-w-w-d) Craftsman Bungalow with a partial-width inset porch on the right entrance bay supported by a massive tapered comer column. Craftsman details also include exposed rafters and brackets. The building is clad in vinyl siding and stucco, and rests on rusticated concrete block piers. Windows are 6/6 wood double-hung and 1/1 vinyl double hung-sash windows with faux muntins. A chimney is located inside left.

348 Easterbrook Street (OT-378) -- c. 2006-2008 - Neo-Bungalow - One-story, four-bay-wide (d-w-w-w) post-Katrina Neo-Bungalow with gable-on-hip roof and a full-width inset front porch supported by simple wood columns. The building is clad in vinyl siding, and there are decorative shingles in the gable end. The house is supported by a concrete block pier foundation.

349 Easterbrook Street (OT-379) -- 1930-1944 - Craftsman Vern. Bungalow - One-story, frame, two-bay-wide (w-d) Craftsman Vernacular gable-front Bungalow with clapboard siding and asphalt shingle roof. The entrance is a Craftsman glass door flanked by partial-length, three-light, sidelights. The gabled left bay, with paired windows, advances slightly; a shed roofed porch extends out from the right front reentrant angle. The building has 6/6 wood double-hung and 2/2 aluminum double-hung windows, exposed rafters, and decorative beams.

350 Easterbrook Street (OT-380) -- c. 1915-1925 - Vernacular - One-story, frame, vernacular dwelling with a side-gable roof and a rear gabled wing. The partial-width hipped porch has turned posts and brackets. The building is clad in vinyl siding, and the windows are 1/1 vinyl double-hung-sash with faux muntins to replicate 8/8 and 6/6 double-hung windows. The foundation is concrete block and brick piers.

353 Easterbrook Street (OT-381) -- 1920-1930 - Craftsman Vern. Shotgun - One-story, frame, two-bay-wide (d-w) Craftsman Vernacular Shotgun with a front-gable roof and a full-width inset porch supported by tapered wood columns on rusticated concrete block pedestals. The building rests on brick piers, is clad in vinyl siding, and has an asphalt shingle roof. The building has 1/1 vinyl and 6/6 aluminum double-hung windows, and exposed rafters. A large carport is attached on the left side.

355 Easterbrook Street (OT-382) -- 1920-1930 - Craftsman Vern. Shotgun - One-story, frame, two-bay-wide (d-w) Craftsman Vernacular Shotgun with a front-gable roof and a full-width inset front porch supported by tapered wood columns on square pedestals and closed balustrade. The building is clad in composite wood and aluminum siding, has exposed rafters, and replacement 1/1 vinyl windows with faux muntins to replicate 6/6 double-hung windows. A large left rear side addition was added sometime after 1944.

404 Easterbrook Street (OT-383) -- 1945-1955 - Vernacular/Rectangular Cottage - One-story, three-bay-wide (d-w-w), Vernacular Rectangular Cottage with a low-pitched hip roof and a gabled porch that extends across the first two bays. Windows are single and paired 2/2 light aluminum windows. It is clad in aluminum siding. There is a large, gable-roofed addition on the left side and a small rear shed-roofed addition.

406 Easterbrook Street (OT-384) -- c. 1945 - Craftsman Bungalow - One-story, frame, three-bay-wide (w-d-w), gable-front Craftsman Bungalow with an advancing right bay that forms a shallow gabled wing. A shed-roofed inset porch extends out from the left front reentrant angle, and is supported by square columns that are integrated into the porch arches. Latticed vents are located in the gable ends. Windows are 1/1 vinyl double-hung-sash with faux muntins to replicate 6/6 double-hung-sash windows. The building is clad in stucco, and has brackets and exposed rafters. The house rests on a concrete block pier foundation, and has an asphalt shingle roof.

407 Easterbrook Street (OT-385) -- 1945-1955 - Bungalow/Gable-Front - One-story, frame, three-bay-wide (w-d-w) vernacular, gable-front Bungalow with a partial-width, inset screened porch on the right two bays, aluminum siding, and a pressed metal roof. Windows are 2/2 aluminum doublehung windows. The building rests on concrete block foundation piers.

409 Easterbrook Street (OT-386) -- 1924-1930 - Craftsman Vernacular Double Shotgun - One-story, frame, four-bay-wide (w-d-d-w) Craftsman Vernacular Double Shotgun with a gable-front roof and a hip-roofed front porch that extends across the bays on the primary gable façade. Craftsman details include exposed rafters, a 6-light gable window, and decorative eaves. The building is clad in clapboard, and the roof is clad in pressed metal. Windows are wood 6/6 double-hung-sash. The house rests on a concrete block pier foundation, has a pressed metal roof, and a large rear addition.

412 Easterbrook Street (OT-387) -- 1900-1917 - Craftsman Vernacular Double Shotgun - One-story, frame, four-bay-wide (w-d-d-w) Craftsman Vernacular Double Shotgun with a gable-front roof, wood brackets, decorative beams, and a partially screened full-width inset porch supported by square wood posts. The building is clad in clapboard, and sits on a rusticated concrete block pier foundation. Windows are 1/1 vinyl with faux muntins to replicate 6/6 double-hung-sash windows. A small shed-roofed addition is on the rear.

415 Easterbrook Street (OT-388) -- 1890-1917 - Shotgun Vernacular - One-story, frame, two-bay-wide (w-d) Shotgun with a gable-front roof. A full-width gabled porch with metal pents extends across the primary gable façade. A three-light window is in the porch gable end. A 1.5-story addition, built between 1930 and 1944, extends from the left rear, and a second rear shed-roofed addition was built after 1944. The house is clad in clapboard, has exposed rafters, and sits on brick foundation piers. The roof is clad in pressed metal.

416 Easterbrook Street (OT-389) -- 2005 - Neo-Eclectic/Neo-Colonial - 1.5-story, brick-clad, L-shaped Neo-Colonial house with a steeply-pitched intersecting gable roof and three gabled dormers. An inset porch supported by paired wood columns fills the left front reentrant angle. The main entrance has sidelights and transom. The house sits on a concrete slab foundation.

417 Easterbrook Street (OT-390) -- 1900-1917 - Creole Cottage - One-story, frame, four-bay-wide (w-d-d-w) Creole Cottage with a side-gable roof, full-width inset screened porch, and exposed rafters. The building is clad in clapboard, and the roof is clad with asphalt shingles. It is supported by brick piers. Windows are 1/1 vinyl windows with faux muntins to replicate 6/6 double-hung-sash windows.

419 Easterbrook Street (OT-391) -- 1945-1955 - Bungalow/Gable-Front - One-story, frame, three-bay-wide (w-d-w) vernacular gable-front Bungalow; the first bay advances to form a very shallow gabled wing. A shed-roofed porch fills and extends out from the right front reentrant angle. Windows are replacement, round-arched windows and 1/1 vinyl windows with faux muntins. The dwelling is clad in Hardy Plank, and the roof is sheathed in asphalt shingles.

420 Easterbrook Street (OT-392) -- 1950 - Minimal Traditional - One-story, frame, three-bay-wide (w-d-w) Minimal Traditional house with a side-gable roof. A partial-width shed porch with gabled entry extends across the left two bays. Windows are replacement single and paired 1/1 vinyl windows with faux muntins to replicate 6/6 double-hung windows. The building rests on concrete block piers, is clad in vinyl siding, and has an asphalt shingle roof.

423 Easterbrook Street (OT-393) -- 1945-1955 - Vernacular - One-story, three-bay-wide (w-d-w), side-gable, vernacular dwelling with clapboard siding. The original full-width inset porch was enclosed at an unknown time to expand the living space. Windows are 2/2 aluminum windows. There is an addition at the rear.

424 Easterbrook Street (OT-394) -- 1920-1930 - Vernacular Shotgun - One-story, frame, two-bay-wide (d-w) vernacular Shotgun house with a gable-front roof and a full-width inset screened front porch. The building sets on concrete block piers, is clad in vinyl siding, and has a corrugated metal roof. Windows are 1/1 vinyl with faux muntins to replicate 6/6 double-hung-sash windows.

425 Easterbrook Street (OT-395) -- 1945-1950 - Bungalow/Gable-Front - One-story, vernacular, three-bay-wide (w-w-d) gable-front Bungalow with a partial-width inset porch on the right two bays. The building is clad in aluminum siding, and the roof is sheathed in asphalt shingles. The building rests on a concrete block pier foundation. Windows are replacement aluminum 6/6 double-hung and sliding windows. Some window openings have been altered.

426 Easterbrook Street (OT-396) -- 1950 - Bungalow/Gable-Front - One-story, frame, two-bay-wide (d-w), vernacular gable-front Bungalow with an inset porch that extends across the left bay on the primary elevation and wraps around the left side. The porch has square wood supports and new brackets and balustrade. Windows are 1/1 vinyl with faux muntins to replicate 6/6 double-hung windows. The house rests on concrete block piers, and is clad in vinyl siding. The roof is sheathed in asphalt shingles.

427 Easterbrook Street (OT-397) -- 1979 - Ranch - One-story, frame Ranch house with a low-pitched hip roof and partial-width inset porches on the left and right comers. The building is clad in brick, and the roof is sheathed in asphalt shingles. Windows are 2/2 and 6/6 aluminum double-hung windows.

430 Easterbrook Street (OT-398) -- 1920-1930 - Bungalow/Gable-Front - One-story, frame, three-bay-wide (w-d-w), vernacular gable-front Bungalow with a partial-width gable porch that extends across the right two bays. The porch has been partially enclosed with continuous vinyl windows. A single door entrance is located offset right. Windows are replacement 1/1 vinyl double-hung-sash with faux muntins to replicate 6/6 double-hung windows. The house rests on concrete block piers, is clad in vinyl siding, and has an asphalt shingle roof.

431 Easterbrook Street (OT-399) -- 1945-1955 - Vernacular Bungalow - One-story, frame, vernacular, concrete block, gable-front Bungalow that has an enclosed side-gable porch that extends across the primary gable façade. Windows include 1/1 and 6/6 aluminum double-hung and jalousie windows. The building rests on concrete block piers.

434 Easterbrook Street (OT-400) -- 1920-1930 - Craftsman Bungalow - One-story, frame, four-bay-wide (w-d-d-w), gable-front Craftsman Bungalow with a full-width porch that is comprised of a side-gable and a front-gable that extends across the right two bays. The porch has a closed balustrade and is supported by square posts that rest on stuccoed, battered, pedestals that are integrated into the arched porch openings. Windows are 2/2 aluminum double-hung windows. The house rests on concrete block piers, is clad in stucco, and has an asphalt shingle roof.