Sycamore Street

115 Sycamore Street (OT-750) -- 1910 - Shotgun/L-galleried - One-story, wood frame, two-bay-wide (w-d), hipped-roof, L-galleried Shotgun with an inset porch that extends across the main façade and wraps around the right side of the house. Decorative scrollwork trims the eaves. Entrances are located on the main façade and in the right front reentrant angle. The house sits on concrete block piers, is clad with wood clapboard and aluminum siding, and has a corrugated metal roof. The house was being renovated at time of survey.

117 Sycamore Street (OT-751) -- 2005-2008 - Neo-Bungalow - One-story, square, three-bay-wide (w-d-w), Neo-Bungalow with hip roof and hipped entry porch. It is supported by a concrete slab foundation, clad with vinyl siding, and has an asphalt shingle roof.

120 Sycamore Street (OT-752) -- 1970 - Minimal Traditional - One-story, frame, three-bay-wide (w-d-w) L-plan Minimal Traditional dwelling. The right bay advances to form a shallow wing; the front porch fills the left front reentrant angle. Windows are paired and single 6/6 double-hung-sash. The house is supported by a concrete slab foundation, is clad with composite wood boards, and has an asphalt shingle roof.

121 Sycamore Street (OT-753) -- 1898-1904 - Shotgun/L-galleried - One-story, frame, vernacular L-galleried Shotgun house with a gable-on-hip roof and an inset porch that extends across the primary elevation and wraps around the right side. The porch is supported by tapered columns on rusticated concrete block pedestals (a Craftsman alteration). Scalloped wood trim decorates the front-gable end. The house rests on concrete block piers, is clad with clapboard, and has a corrugated metal roof.

123 Sycamore Street (OT-754) -- c. 2006-2008 - Post-Katrina Coastal Arch. - 1.5-story, frame, five-bay-wide (w-w-d-w-w) house that has a full-width inset porch with wood posts and balustrade; center entry with sidelights and transom; and center shed wall dormer. The house sits on a foundation of concrete block piers, is clad with vinyl siding, and has a pressed metal roof.

126 Sycamore Street (OT-755) -- 1971 - No Style - One-story, T-shaped, elevated frame dwelling that rests on tall wood piers, is clad with composite board siding, and sheltered by an intersecting gable roof sheathed with asphalt shingles.

128 Sycamore Street (OT-756) -- 2006-2008 - Katrina Cottage - One-story, two-bay-wide (d-w), Shotgun-form, Katrina Cottage with full-width, inset front porch. The house sets on concrete block piers, is clad with board-and-batten siding, and is sheltered by a pressed metal hipped roof.

130 Sycamore Street (OT-757) -- 1942 - Vernacular Bungalow/Gable-Front - One-story, rectangular plan, wood frame, three-bay-wide (w-d-w), vernacular gable-front Bungalow that has a full-width, shed-roofed front porch with replacement square posts and balustrade. The main entrance is located offset right. Windows are 6/6 double-hung wood sash windows. A small rectangular window is located in the front gable end. The house sits on rusticated concrete block piers, is clad with composite wood siding and wood clapboard, and has a pressed metal panel roof.

131 Sycamore Street (OT-758) -- c. 1945-1955 - Vernacular Bungalow/Gable-Front - One-story, rectangular plan, wood frame, vernacular gable-front Bungalow with a partial-width gable porch on the right bays. Windows are 2/2 double-hung aluminum sash windows. The house rests on concrete block piers, is clad with vinyl siding, and has an asphalt shingle roof.

132 Sycamore Street (OT-759) -- 1930 - Craftsman Vern. Bungalow - One-story, frame, three-bay-wide (w-w-d), gable-front Craftsman Vernacular Bungalow. The left bay advances forming a shallow gable-front wing; a gabled porch supported by a wood post on a battered pedestal fills the right front reentrant angle formed by the wing. Rectangular windows are in the primary gable and left gable end. The house has clapboard and stucco cladding, exposed rafters, and a pressed metal roof.

134 Sycamore Street (OT-760) -- 1930-1944 - No Style - One-story, stucco clad, commercial building that has a concrete slab foundation and a metal panel gable roof. Features include aluminum-framed sidelights and transom, exposed rafters, and stepped parapets.

135 Sycamore Street (OT-761) -- c. 1890-1905 - Center Hall/Craftsman alt. - One-story, wood frame, three-bay-wide (w-d-w) vernacular Center Hall house that has a side-gable roof and a full-width hipped front porch with square tapered posts. The center-bay entry has sidelights and transom. The house has exposed rafters, clapboard siding, a pressed metal roof, and a rear ell.

206 Sycamore Street (OT-762) -- c. 1870-1890 - Vernacular - One-story, wood frame, three-bay-wide (w-d-w) vernacular dwelling that has a side-gable roof and recently constructed full-width inset porch with brick supports and brick arches. Window openings have been altered in size. The house is clad with vinyl siding, and has an asphalt shingle roof. The house has been extensively altered and no longer possesses the integrity to be a contributing building in the historic district.

216 Sycamore Street (OT-763) -- c. 1910-1930 - Vernacular - One-story, wood frame, vernacular dwelling with gable-on-hip roof on the primary façade, a hip roof wing extending from the left side, and a full-width inset porch that has decorative, cutwork wood, porch posts. The main façade has two doors. Windows are the original single and paired 6/6 wood double-hung-sash. The building is clad with clapboard, and has a corrugated metal roof. A brick skirt was added after 1950 (per Sanbom Fire Insurance maps).

217 Sycamore Street (OT-764) -- c. 2005-2008 - Neo-Bungalow - One-story, frame, three-bay-wide (w-d-w), gable-front Neo-Bungalow that is supported by a foundation of concrete block piers, is clad with Hardy Plank, and has a pressed metal roof. The house has a full-width inset porch with wood posts and balustrade. The gable end has decorative shingles.

219 Sycamore Street (OT-765) -- 1904-1909 - Shotgun/L-galleried - One-story, wood frame, L-galleried Shotgun that has a gable-on-hip roof and an inset, wraparound porch with wood posts and new brackets. The main entry is a three-light Craftsman door with transom. The house rests on brick and concrete piers, is clad with clapboards, and has a pressed metal roof. Decorative shingles are in the gable end.

221 Sycamore Street (OT-766) -- c. 1985-2000 - Ranch - One-story, brick-clad, five-bay-wide (w-w-d-w-c) Ranch house with a concrete slab foundation, asphalt shingled hip roof, and inset carport on the right.

224 Sycamore Street (OT-767) -- c. 1900 - Shotgun/Craftsman alt. - One-story, rectangular, wood frame, two-bay-wide (d-w) Shotgun. The house has a gable-front roof with a full-width, inset front porch supported by tapered columns on rusticated concrete block pedestals (Craftsman era alteration). Windows are replacement 1/1 sash with faux shutters. A diamond-shaped window is located in the front gable end. The house has a concrete block pier foundation, clapboard and novelty siding, exposed rafters, and an asphalt shingle roof.

226 Sycamore Street (OT-768) -- c. 1900 - Vernacular Shotgun/Hipped Roof - One-story, rectangular, wood frame, vernacular Shotgun house with a hipped roof and a full-width inset porch. Windows have wooden shutters that were closed at time of survey. The dwelling rests on brick piers, is clad with clapboard, and has a corrugated metal roof. A side addition was added on the left side sometime after 1944 (per Sanborn Fire Insurance map).

229 Sycamore Street (OT-769) -- 1920 - Craftsman Bungalow/Double Shotgun - One-story, rectangular, frame, four-bay-wide (w-d-d-w), gable-front Craftsman Bungalow/Double Shotgun with a full-width inset front porch supported by tapered columns on rusticated concrete block pedestals. The second and third bays are doors with transoms; the first and fourth bays are paired 6/6 double-hung wood sash windows. The house has a rusticated concrete block pier foundation, wood clapboard siding, exposed rafters, and an asphalt shingle roof.

231 Sycamore Street (OT-770) -- 1899 - Vernacular Double Shotgun - One-story, frame, four-bay-wide (w-d-d-w), vernacular Double Shotgun house with a full-width, inset screened front porch. The second and third bays are single doors. Other bays are 6/6 double-hung wood sash windows. The house has a concrete block pier foundation, wood clapboard siding, exposed rafters, and a corrugated metal roof.

232 Sycamore Street (OT-771) -- 1950 - Vernacular Bungalow/Gable-Front - One-story, rectangular, wood frame, two-bay-wide (w-d), vernacular gable-front Bungalow with a partial-width, inset porch on the right entry bay. Windows are 6/6 double-hung wood sash windows. The house rests on concrete block piers, is clad with vinyl siding, and has a pressed metal panel roof.

235 Sycamore Street (OT-772) -- 1905 - Vernacular - One-story, wood frame, gabled, L-plan dwelling with an enclosed porch that has been extensively altered and no longer possesses the integrity necessary to be classified as a contributing building in the district.

237 Sycamore Street (OT-773) -- 1950 - Vernacular Bungalow/Gable-Front - One-story, wood frame, three-bay-wide (w-d-w), vernacular gable-front Bungalow with a screened, partial-width gable porch on the right two bays; the left bay is a paired 6/6 wood double-hung-sash window with faux shutters. The house has a concrete block pier foundation, wood novelty siding, exposed rafters, and a corrugated metal roof.

238 Sycamore Street (OT-774) -- c. 1945-1955 - Vernacular Bungalow/Gable-Front - One-story, rectangular plan, wood frame, vernacular gable-front Bungalow with a full-width, inset front porch (screened) and closed balustrade. There is a large, rectangular, louvered vent in the front gable end. The house has a concrete block pier foundation, vinyl siding, boxed eaves, and a metal roof.

239 Sycamore Street (OT-775) -- c. 1945-1955 - Vernacular Bungalow/Gable-on-Hip - One-story, three-bay-wide (w-d-w), vernacular Bungalow. The offset-right gabled entrance is flanked, on the left by a gabled bay with paired windows with faux shutters, and on the right by a bay window. The house sits on a concrete slab foundation, is clad with brick veneer and vinyl siding, and has a metal gable-on-hip roof.

240 Sycamore Street (OT-776) -- c. 1990-2000 - Neo-Eclectic - One-story, Neo-Eclectic dwelling that has a concrete slab foundation, a center gabled-entry porch, and low-pitched gambrel roof sheathed in pressed metal panels. The siding was unidentifiable from the public right-of-way.

241 Sycamore Street (OT-777) -- 1970 - Ranch - One-story, rectangular plan, frame, four-bay-wide (w-w-d-w) Ranch house with a side-gable metal roof, gabled entry, and vinyl siding.

243 Sycamore Street (OT-778) -- 1905 - Shotgun with Lateral Wing - One-story, wood frame, two-bay-wide (w-d), vernacular Shotgun with a Lateral Wing that has a pented gable-front roof and a, full-width, inset porch with replacement wood supports and balustrade. The right bay is a Victorian two-light, paneled door with transom. Windows are 6/6 double-hung wood sash windows. The house has a pier foundation, clapboard siding, exposed rafters, and a metal roof. The right lateral wing appears to have been expanded.

245 Sycamore Street (OT-779) -- c. 1900-1917 - Craftsman Vern. Bungalow Center Hall - One-story, rectangular plan, wood frame, three-bay-wide (w-d-w) Craftsman Vernacular Bungalow with a Center Hall plan. The house has a low-pitched, pyramidal, hip metal roof; a shed-roofed, full-width, front porch supported by tapered columns on rusticated concrete block pedestals; and a rusticated concrete block foundation. The center entrance has sidelights and transom. The house rests on brick piers, is clad with wood clapboards, and has a pressed metal roof.

248 Sycamore Street (OT-780) -- 1926 - Gothic Revival -
Valena C. Jones Memorial United Methodist Church- One-story Gothic Revival church clad with brick and stucco and sheltered by an asphalt shingle, intersecting gable, roof. The sanctuary, built in 1926, has gable-front façade with a bell tower on the left comer, a pointed-arch stained glass window with tracery, and comer buttresses. A large, front-gabled addition has been built on the left side, giving the building a U-shaped footprint. The rectory, which was located on the right side of the church, was destroyed by Hurricane Katrina.

251 Sycamore Street (OT-781) -- c. 1890-1910 - Vernacular Shotgun - One-story, rectangular, wood frame, two-bay-wide (w-d), vernacular Shotgun house that is supported by brick and concrete piers, clad with clapboards, and featuring a gable-on-hip roof which shelters a full-width inset porch. The house is currently undergoing post-storm rehabilitation.

252 Sycamore Street (OT-782) -- c. 1945-1955 - Vernacular Bungalow/Gable-Front - One-story, rectangular plan, wood frame, three-bay-wide (w-d-w) vernacular gable-front Bungalow with a full-width, inset screened porch. Windows are paired 2/2 aluminum double-hung-sash. The house rests on brick piers, is clad with composite wood siding and stucco, and has a pressed metal roof.

253 Sycamore Street (OT-783) -- c. 1890-1910 - Vernacular Shotgun - One-story, rectangular plan, wood frame, two-bay-wide (w-d) Shotgun house with a gable-front roof and full-width, shed-roofed, screened front porch. Windows are 6/6 wood double-hung-sash. The house has clapboard siding, boxed eaves, and a corrugated metal roof.

254 Sycamore Street (OT-784) -- 1910 - Craftsman Bungalow/Gable-Front - One-story, frame, three-bay-wide (w-d-w), gable-front Craftsman Bungalow that has a gabled, cutaway, left bay with double-hung-sash windows and tracery upper lights on the left bay. A partial-width inset porch extends across the right two bays and is supported by paired wood posts on a closed balustrade. The house has clapboard siding, knee brackets shingled gable ends, decorative beams, and exposed rafters.

255 Sycamore Street (OT-785) -- c. 1945-1955 - Craftsman Vern. Bungalow - One-story, three-bay-wide (w-d-w), wood frame, gable-front Craftsman Vernacular Bungalow. A partially inset, gabled porch extends across the left two bays and is supported by replacement turned posts. The Craftsman door has three vertical upper lights. Windows are paired 3/1 double-hung wood sash windows. The house rests on a concrete slab, is clad with clapboard, and a pressed metal panel roof.

256 Sycamore Street (OT-786) -- 1950/altered - Gable-Front church -
First Missionary Baptist Church- One-story, three-bay-wide (w-d-w) gable-front church that rests on a concrete slab foundation, is clad with dryvit, and is capped with a small steeple. The double-door entrance with sidelights is at center on the gable-front façade and is flanked by tall, fixed-light rectangular windows. The church has been heavily remodeled, and no longer possesses the integrity required to be a contributing building in the district; however, its presence remains an important cultural marker of the African American presence in the Sycamore Street neighborhood.

519 Sycamore Street (SD-004) -- c. 1920 - Bungalow style - Bungalow style. 1-story 2x2-bay front-gabled dwelling with front and rear undercut galleries. Exposed rafter-tails and asbestos siding. Porch supported on tapering posts resting on concrete piers. Curved step cheeks.

601 Sycamore Street (SD-005) -- c. 1895 - Georgian - 1-story Georgian-plan house with a five-bay façade, hip roof, and undercut gallery. Centrally placed front gable with Palladian-motif louvered opening. Polygonal bays on side elevations with corner brackets. Central entrance with side lights.

605 Sycamore Street (SD-006) -- c. 1925 - Bungalow style - Bungalow style. 1-story 3x5-bay front gabled cottage with projecting 1-bay porch supported on squared columns. Exposed rafter-tails. Paired windows. Central entrance with side lights and transom. Two-story modern garage buildings also located on property.

613 Sycamore Street (SD-008) -- c. 1925 - Bungalow style - Bungalow style. 1-story 4x4-bay Creole cottage with front-gable orientation. Main block has exposed rafter-tails, paired windows, and projecting front porch. 1-bay gabled rear section possibly of earlier construction.

623 Sycamore Street (SD-009) -- c. 1880 - Creole Cottage - With later alterations. 1-story Creole cottage with gable-roof undercut gallery. 4-bay façade with entrances in the middle bays.