Timber Lane

101 Timber Lane (OT-806) -- c. 1975-1985 - Neo-Eclectic/Neo-French - One-story, five-bay-wide (w-d-w-w-w), Neo-French residence with a steeply pitched hip roof, pedimented gable entry porch, and an attached hipped two-car carport on the right side. It has a concrete slab foundation, brick veneer cladding, 6/6 vinyl double-hung windows with faux muntins, and an asphalt shingle roof.

104 Timber Lane (OT-807) -- c. 1960 - Ranch - One-story, frame, Ranch house with an asphalt shingle gable roof. The first two bays advance forming a shallow wing; an inset front porch is in the right reentrant angle. The house sits on a concrete slab foundation, is clad in brick, and has 4/4 vinyl double-hung-sash windows with faux muntins.

105 Timber Lane (OT-808) -- 1960 - Vernacular - One-story, frame residence with intersecting gable and hip roofs and a shed partial porch. It sits on a concrete slab foundation, has board-and-batten siding, 1/1 wooden and 2/2 aluminum double-hung windows, and an asphalt shingle roof.

108 Timber Lane (OT-809) -- 1960 - Ranch - One-story, frame, Ranch apartment building with side-gable roof, concrete slab foundation, brick veneer cladding, 6/6 vinyl double-hung windows with faux muntins, large picture windows, an inset full-width porch, and an asphalt shingle roof.

109 Timber Lane (OT-810) -- 1960 - Neo-Eclectic/Neo-Colonial - One-story, frame, Neo-Colonial residence with a flared side-gable roof and symmetrical façade. An inset partial porch supported by round wood columns extends across the central core of the house (three center bays). Gable wings, slightly recessed from the central core, extend from the left and right sides. The house has a concrete slab foundation, brick veneer cladding, and an asphalt shingle roof.