Blaize Avenue

100 Blaize Avenue (OT-95) -- 1950 - Commercial/No Style -
Five Corners building- One-story mid-twentieth century commercial concrete block structure. The shed roof is clad in pressed metal. The only stylistic details are exposed rafters. The building has a concrete slab foundation. Only the shell remains; the building does not possess significant integrity to be a contributing building.

102 Blaize Avenue (OT-96) -- 1950 - Commercial/Vernacular -
Kingston Barber shop- One-story frame, three-bay-wide (w-d-w) vernacular mid-twentieth century commercial building with a front-gable roof and shed partial porch. The center bay has replacement Craftsman-style double-doors. The left and right bays are single-light display windows. The building rests on concrete block piers, is clad in wood novelty siding, and has exposed rafters and a corrugated metal roof.

120 Blaize Avenue (OT-97) -- 1945-1954 - Vernacular Bungalow - One-story, wood frame, vernacular Bungalow. The left bay advances forming a gable-front wing which may represent an early addition. An inset porch is located on the right bay of the primary gable-front core of the house which sets behind the wing/addition. The house rests on rusticated concrete block piers, is clad with vinyl siding, and has boxed eaves and an asphalt shingle roof.

122-136 Blaize Avenue (OT-98) -- 1925-1944 - Commercial - One and two-story brick and tile row of commercial buildings composed of seven storefronts. The division of these storefronts is demarcated by simple pilasters. Most storefronts have been altered, although at least one maintains its inset entrance with flanking diagonal plate glass windows and band of horizontal, eight-light windows that extend across the storefront. This row of connected commercial buildings is topped by simple parapets of uneven height. 134-136 Blaize was constructed in 1925; 130-132 was constructed in 1930. A large brick, two-story addition was added on the southwest side after 2005.

138-146 Blaize Avenue (OT-99) -- 2006-2008 - No Style - Two-story, metal frame, commercial structure that rests upon a concrete slab foundation, is clad with decorative bricks and stucco, and is sheltered by a shed roof sheathed with corrugated metal panels. The structure is divided into five commercial spaces.

398 Blaize Avenue (OT-100) -- 1929 - Classical Revival influence -
Scafide building- 2.5-story, rusticated concrete block building. Most windows are single or paired 6/6 double-hung-sash; some have concrete lintels. Doors are located on the third, fourth, and sixth bays, of the first-story, main façade. On the second-story, main façade, doors are located on the second and fifth bays; these are single doors with four-light transoms flanked by partial height, six-light sidelights. These second-story doors open out onto porches topped by gables with returns. A wall gable stretches across the left three bays on the main façade. A gable dormer with returns and paired six-light window is located offset right on the main façade. A gabled wing extends from the left elevation; a second-story door on the front of the wing duplicates those second-story doors on the main façade.

400 Blaize Avenue (OT-101) -- c. 1910-1917 - Vernacular - One-story, rhombus plan, wood frame, vernacular commercial building that is supported by a poured concrete foundation, is clad with clapboards and aluminum siding, and is sheltered by gable and shed roofs. An inset porch with diagonal entry is on the rectangular rear section; an entry and banded windows are on the shed roof section which forms the front part of the building.

406 Blaize Avenue (OT-102) -- c. 1955-1960 - Contemporary - One-story, rectangular plan, masonry Contemporary style commercial building with concrete slab foundation, concrete block walls, and a flat roof. Character defining features include single-light fixed picture windows and eaves that curve around the building comers instead of turning sharply with the comers.