National Register

341 Easterbrook Street
Old Town BSL District #375
1930-1944 - Craftsman Bungalow (Contributing)
One-story, frame, three-bay-wide (w-d-w) Craftsman Bungalow with a gable-on-hip roof, full-width inset porch, and a gable porch over the right two bays. The porch is supported by heavy tapered columns set on square pedestals. Square vents are located in the primary gable and porch gable ends. The house also features exposed rafters, decorative beams, a three-light Craftsman door, and 6/6 wood double-hung-sash windows. The building is clad in clapboard, and the roof is sheathed in corrugated metal. The foundation piers have been covered in stucco. There is a small shed-roofed addition at the rear.