National Register
309 Hancock Street
Old Town BSL District #404
1925 - Craftsman Bungalow/Side-Gable (Contributing)
1.5-story, wood frame, rectangular plan, five-bay-wide (w-w-d-w-w), side-gabled Craftsman Bungalow. The stucco-clad, full-width, inset front porch is supported by tapered columns that rest on stuccoed square pedestals and closed balustrade. The center entrance has sidelights and transom, and other façade bays are Craftsman 6/2 double-hung-sash wood windows. Other windows are 4/2 and 3/1 double-hung wood sash windows. The house also features exposed rafters and decorative brackets. The house has a brick pier foundation and clapboard siding.