National Register

216 Main Street
Old Town BSL District #463
1924-1930 - Craftsman Bungalow/Gable-Front (Contributing)
1.5-story, frame, gable-front Craftsman Bungalow with a full-width inset front porch supported by short tapered columns set on square pedestals and closed balustrade. The front porch has been enclosed with casement windows to create a sun porch. The original porch was a wraparound porch, but the left side was enclosed between 1930 and 1944 (Sanbom Fire Insurance maps). Other Craftsman details include exposed rafters, decorative eaves, and brackets. The building is clad with wood clapboard and has vertical wood siding in the front gable end. Windows are 6/6 and 2/2 wood double-hung-sash and casements. A paired 6/6 double-hung window is in the front gable end. The building rests on a continuous brick foundation.