National Register

308 Main Street

Old Town BSL District #470

1904-1909 - Queen Anne Vern. Shotgun with a Lateral Wing (Contributing)
One-story, frame, Queen Anne Vernacular Shotgun with a Lateral Wing. The house has a gable-on-hip roof with an inset front porch accented by bracketed posts and balustrade that extends across the gable-front façade and wraps around the left side. Doors with transoms are located on the front gable and in the left reentrant angle; three sets of French doors on the left elevation open onto the porch. The building is clad in clapboard, and the roof is clad in corrugated metal. The building rests on piers. The windows are replacement 9/6 floor-length and 6/6 double-hung windows. Decorative verge boards are in the gable ends. The house has multiple additions designed to compliment the historic structure.

308 Main Street - The National Register
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Hancock County Historical Society
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