National Register

315 Main Street
Old Town BSL District #473
1917-1924 - Vernacular - Knights of Columbus Hall
Two-story, frame, three-bay-wide (w-d-w) Knights of Columbus Hall with a round-arched, inset, center entrance flanked by triple double-hung windows. The bays are divided by full-height pilasters. Second-story windows on the main façade are triple, 1/1 double-hung-sash windows. The building was originally a one-story garage and repair shop. Between 1917 and 1924, the clapboarded second-story and the stucco-clad, two-story, front section were added. A small rear addition with a porch was added between 1924 and 1930 (per Sanborn Fire Insurance maps. Some 9/1 wood double-hung windows remain on the side elevations, but some have been replaced with vinyl windows.