National Register

347 Main Street

Old Town BSL District #492

c. 1880-1890 - Vernacular (Contributing)
One-story, frame, multi-gabled vernacular house. The right side original wraparound porch was enclosed at an early date to create a gabled wing with a diagonal comer and overhanging eave. A paneled door with three-light transom opens onto the front porch, that fills the left front reentrant angle formed by the wing. The porch is capped by a gable with decorative shingles. Windows are 6/6 wood double-hung-sash windows. The house rests on concrete block piers, is clad in clapboard, and has a pressed metal roof. A small shed-roofed addition extends from the left side.

347 Main Street - The National Register
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Hancock County Historical Society
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