National Register

300 South Second Street
Old Town BSL District #672
1905-1906 - Neo-Classical - City Hall
Two-story (raised), brick, five-bay-wide (w-w-d-w-w), hip roofed, Neo-Classical style building with a pedimented porch which extends across the center three bays. The first-story porch is supported by square, brick, columns; the second story porch has round wood columns which support a full entablature and pediment. Double-door entrances are located at center on the first and second stories. Stairways located on the left and right sides of the porch lead up to the main double-door entrance, which has an elliptical transom and sidelights. The ground floor windows are star casement windows. Second story windows are 6/2 wood double-hung-sash windows with patterned transoms. These windows are repeated on the side elevations. A cupola rests on the hip roof.