National Register

242 St Charles Street
Old Town BSL District #564
1890 - Queen Anne (Contributing)
One-story, rectangular plan, five-bay-wide (w-w-d-w-w), wood frame, Queen Anne dwelling supported by brick piers, clad with clapboards, and sheltered by a gable-on-hip roof sheathed in slate shingles. An inset porch with slender wood columns extends across the front-gable façade. The house has a center entry with sidelights and transom. The front gable end has polychromatic shingles and a Palladian window; the center light of the Palladian window has a large, single light surrounded by small, stained glass lights. Gable façade windows are floor-length 6/9 double-hung wood-sash. The house has a rear addition. (NOTE: house is individually listed on the National Register)